#ApoNattawin[超话]#搬运泰妃的翻译 [Explanation]
This is my understanding from listening full livestream. Pond said he just realized that he is a Y-guy( a man who is a BL content fan)and he is successful on his series/content business becoz he understand how Y-fans's feeling on this.

So along the livestream with his red face from alcohol drinks, Pond was teasing with cp fans about BL topics, the coming series 4minutes of Jes and Bible etc. Then there are some cp fans ask about breaking up of Mile-Apo.

So Pond start questioning why someone always teasing about breaking up plot why some ppl like this kind of sad/hurt drama plot. so conversation in clip, they all are kidding each other and make a small argument about plot of breaking-up

Pond: someone talking about plot of breaking up becoz they want to see the couple return their relationship. But it sounds hurts on the way if couple breaking up then return.

Mile: It's not good.

Pond: It's not good.

Apo: good!

Mile: It's not good. Let's try this, you ask your parents break up....

Pond : HEY!!

Apo : (laughs a lot)

Mile : Aw! I just assume, seee, this is not a good thing (to bring it for teasing)

Pond: Mile , do you wanna talk with my mom?!!! ( voice tone is higher)

Mile: No, I mean (in reality) there is rarely couple they can return after breaking up.

Apo: I'm sleepy (gets up from sofa)

Pond: Oh,Po. U gonna leave now?Po say bye bye to fans

Apo: I sleepy. And becoz P'Mile's talk not plesant to our ears(regarding parents breaking up)

Pond: (talks to Mile) You deserved it

Mos : (talks to Mile) You deserved this!

Apo : No No No No, if you both really fighting, I dont want to be a trouble.

Note: entire talking is relax.
Sorry if my translation is not the same as others. But u can choose what u prefer.

我现在还在旅馆呢 刚才在补看宇辉在湖北行的节目 今天要给宇辉和妈妈咪准备一些礼物 因为工作比较繁忙 所以不是准备的特别地好 还请见谅 等我钱到了以后 一定好好和宇辉大家好好联络畅谈起来 我现在再转发一点今日份的工作 待会就会回我妈那边了、、也做一点工作~~ we are still at the motel waiting to go onto the bus,,, the bus’s time is not very suitable need to wait that’s why have to get funded so the transportation can save a lot of time ,,, im just doing a bit of work first cause today’s plan is actually for Michael’s birthday ,,, his actual birthday last time it was his lunar calendar birthday so his actual birthday so I prepped some Chinese content today but before I do that I’m going to have to do some work first ,,, just saw Zuck too ,,, I want to see if I can repost y’all while waiting for the bus and when I go back I’m going to put out some Chinese content today and go to sleep early to start early tmr ,,, okayy so here we go for Mr. Musk first thing today super happy I got to catch a cybertruck today ,,, like the highlight of my day but I’m going to be driving a cybertruck hopefully soon so cannot wait to get funded and April is going to be a very exciting month ,,, I simply cannot wait heart heart heart love love love Mr. Musk and love love love Tesla and alll my bosses and their companies and everyone and their work

#游戏大赏# #定义我的专属高光# #switch游戏#
宝可梦地平线动画中女主莉可的新叶喵。宝可梦:莉可的新叶喵x1,太晶属性:草,性格:浮躁,技能:抓+树叶,奖章:同伴奖章+经典奖章,球种:红白球。兑换码:L1K0–W1TH–906。为了纪念YOASOBI Biri-Biri CD发售,特别配信初训家为夜游的贵重球巴布土拨。宝可梦:夜游的巴布土拨x1,太晶属性:电,性格:爽朗,技能:电光双击+放电+电光一闪+蹭蹭脸颊,奖章:经典奖章,球种:贵重球。兑换码:Y0AS0B1–B1R1B1R1。之前的配信不要错过了哦,宝可梦动画配信浩大鲸,兑换码:L1KE–AFLU–TE。道具辣味或甜味秘传调味料×1,兑换码:SWEET–0R–SP1CY。宝可梦动画配信普隆隆姆,兑换码:TEAM-STAR。宝可梦动画配信索财灵,兑换码:SEE–Y0U–IN–PALDEA。道具太晶图案帽子×1,兑换码:WEARTER–ASTAL–CAP。道具达人带×1,兑换码:SUPER–EFFE–CT1VE。道具先机球×30,兑换码:G0TCHA–P0KEM0N。

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