#film roll[音乐]##Colde##offonoff#
【How many living poets have you read?】


对了,他叫“Heesu”,他在film roll里这样写道


【推荐】【买一送一,送同款】鲜玫瑰精油,天然温和,补水保湿,润泽滋养,平衡水油,紧致嫩白,泡沫丰富细腻,洗出如花美颜!复制这条信息 ¥HeeS06rSJ2m¥ 打开【手机淘宝】即可领券并下单

拍品编号 501:A blue silk embroidered semi-formal 'dragon' robe, jifu
19th centuryWith nine animated five-clawed dragons in gold couched thread, amongst 'The Eight Daoist Emblems', with crane and bats in flight amongst dense cloud scrolls, all above turbulent crashing waves and rockwork, with further auspicious emblems and smaller dragons, terminating in a broad lishui stripe border, the sleeve extensions of black ribbed silk. 132cm (52in) long.

拍品编号 502:A silk embroidered door panel
19th centuryThe pale yellow silk arch-form panel decorated with two confronting five-clawed dragons in pursuit of a large flaming pearl, amongst bats, cloud scrolls and the Eight Daoist Emblems, anbaxian, all above foaming waves, flanked by golden-yellow silk border panels. 231cm wide x 169cm high 注脚 Provenance: Pierre Paul de Hees, sergeant in the infantry regiment in Tientsin in 1923.

拍品编号 503:A large embroidered red silk 'shou' panel
Late Qing DynastyDecorated with the Eight Immortals with their various attributes, amongst precious objects and pine, on a gold couched thread ground, with two inscriptions, framed and glazed. 125cm x 66cm (49.1/4in x 26in).

拍品编号 504:A kesi 'Shoulao and Magu' panel
19th centuryThe rectangular panel depicting Shoulao wearing elaborate patterned robes decorated with shou characters, bats and wispy clouds, holding a ruyi sceptre attached with a scroll, his other arm resting on a spotted deer beside him and Magu, depicted smiling and holding a tray filled with ruyi, peaches and narcissi, worked in the kesi technique with additional painted details and shading on a red background, framed. The kesi panel 156cm high x 87cm long (61 1/2in high x 34 2/8in long) 注脚 Provenance: an Italian private collection

拍品编号 505:A Chinese embroidered silk panel
19th centuryFinely worked with a garden scene of stag, peacocks, cranes and exotic birds amongst pine, lingzhi, peony sprays and pierced rockwork, framed and glazed. 39cm x 46.5cm (15.3/8in x 18.1/4in).

拍品编号 506:A silk brocade blue-ground 'dragon' uncut robe fragment
17th centuryThe silk brocade fragments with four-clawed dragons writhing above waves and amongst auspicious clouds, made into a wall hanging with border.91cm (35 3/4in) x 165cm (65in)

拍品编号 507:A gold silk-brocade 'dragon' robe, chuba
Tibet, 18th century With writhing five-clawed dragons above waves and rocks, surrounded with multi-coloured auspicious clouds, Precious Objects and Buddhist Emblems, woven with a gold ground, the interior with a seal mark.145cm (57 1/8in) long

拍品编号 508:A large 'Precious Objects' carpet
19th/20th century Woven with vases and jardinières of flowering plants and scholar's objects, set on a stepped stand and amongst stylised swirling cloud motifs, a tall lantern and stand to one side, all on a buff coloured central ground. 251cm (98 3/4in) x 294cm (115 3/4in)

拍品编号 509:A silk embroidered lady's jacket and an apron skirt
19th centuryThe jacket embroidered and woven in Peking knot in tones of blue and cream with butterflies amongst scattered fruit and flower sprays on a midnight blue ground, the cream silk sleeve bands finely detailed in Peking knot with garden scenes; the lilac silk apron skirt woven with crane amongst Buddhist emblems. The jacket 97cm (38in) long. (2). 注脚 Provenance: A French private collection since 1920 and thence by descent.

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  • 后果是那些金融投资大灾难投资人很快就完全遗忘了,更进一步的后果是同样的或者非常相似的情形再次出现,有时距上一次发生过,才短短几年,却受到新一代投资人的一片欢呼,
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  • 当然,我现在40岁,不知道之后是不是一定需要定期肉毒,但目前来看,靠眼霜+按摩,是扛得住的。也就花个早晚两分钟,能让你了解自己的皮肤状态,问题在哪里,保养的效果
  •   这个年龄的孩子,有了一定的独立意识,也能区分出自己和别人的关系,但是还分不清楚“你的”“我的”的界限,在孩子的心里,只要喜欢的东西,就可以伸手拿。  有时候
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  • 回憶!!
  • 是那种白色的膏体状,很好涂上脸,我亲测敏感肌放心地用,因为最近我的脸突然痒痒的,而且我是干皮,它的保湿作用真的可以达到,是一款良心产品,绝对不会踩雷的东西[喵喵
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  • 是不是超级豪华^_^(在这里特别鸣谢这位小姐姐的图@五月双子Gemini 还有设计的@小陈同学咩C )邮费我来包,你只管来抽奖!【已开奖】嘻嘻嘻28号是小可爱我