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In this difficult night to sleep, in this difficult era to choose a career, in this life where everyone chooses a conservative attitude, looking back on himself, it seems that he is not on the same road as everyone. I have also asked myself, is it right on this road, as if the former you have worshiped are people who get off halfway, and should I continue to go on? I do not know the answer to this question, even my heart also began to be assimilated by them, from the original full of blood youth also became afraid of hands and feet, the edge of pride will really be worn down by the oppression of society? Will I tell myself that I still have to take a different road from everyone, even if the same road is the most obvious light? The thought of getting up in the morning all sorts of trifles, I can not fall asleep for a long time. I can not give myself any accurate answer, may all people come to this world, this is not for themselves to live, the bondage of the body concerned, the expectations of parents, the responsibility of the family inheritance, the affirmation of the social scattered dream, perhaps people really do not live for themselves! https://t.cn/R2L8IQB

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