[话筒]I was close to him, only after I enlisted did I pay less attention to her. She has never been touched by any man, I also don't want to be touched by women. So impossible. I will focus on my career as a singer and helping our the company in Germany. I didn't pay attention to her. I heard she was also sick. I don't understand who it is.

In the midst of chaos, ROK released this on UNtalk? Although not all discussions are about what to do after military service. But this surprised us.

「red moon」

We're all troublemakers!

I used to think I was a proletarian. But then I found out that the proletariat didn't respect nonconformists like me either.

So... change it!.... Flies of the world unite...

We want to be free to live crazily, free to love our taste, of course, our rebellion is always based on the premise that beneficial insects dominate, take this as our lucky! We have the soul to rebel, and the world has the power to discipline, so be a troublemaker and accept the fate of discrimination, the fate of the weak. And keep loving.

If the love of the universe has been of no avail, the rules are the perfect way for the soul to be lazy, then put the exclusion as a gift of free spirit, perhaps at the end. There is a higher environment... There is no difference between a fly and an eagle.

高盛公司~~ awww I see Felix coming out again trying to get some words in my mate yahh ?!?? Niceee chatting to you always love you guys ,,, hope y’all had a terrific annniversary celebration yesterday ,,, I had prepared something for you guys today too and i will post it later too but this other band is posting too TXT is posting the same time for having their new albums tmr ,,, Awww this is so hard I’ll see if I can do a sub set / minor set for them too just because y’all talk to a lot of girl groups too bahahaha and I can take care of more people from this work to make it fair for everybody cause everybody talks to me omgoshh hope y’all can be understanding of it I have to try to take care of everyone if I can ,,, but loveee you so much tho Felix ,,, super glad to be connecting and learning more about all the members and very happy to be connecting alll the time feel free to drop a line anytime k ?!?? I got you guys something prepared today too kinda last minute but hope y’all enjoy it’s my thought for you guys on your anniversary yayyyyy okayyy I gotta chat less and write shorter or else ,,, omogshhh Goldman Sachs is going to get so angry at me I just started talking to Stray Kids again as they have talked to me while I’m working so i just talk back to all people from my job ,,, awww love you both Goldman Sachs and Stray Kids ,,, now I didn’t see Goldman Sachs posting any new ones since last time they appeared wondering why ,,, I wish to see Goldman Sachs more often so I can learn more about banking finance and investment ,,, your analystics is very well said and professional indeed and I can trust to learn a few things for sure from your expertise so yahhh can’t wait to engage more with Goldman Sachs as you come out more often ,,, and hope you don’t mind it that I just talked to Felix from Stray Kids again that I’m a stay (their fandom name) now and sure like them very much and super glad they enjoy connecting with me too so I have some personal content and their content prepped for them today and hope they can enjoy even tho it’s kind of last minute cause they just told me yesterday and I’m fully booked but it’s the thought that counts love you Goldman Sachs and love you Stray Kids and love you everyone !!! will get the tone more serious to talk to about the finance sectors ,,, and Felix has a very serious and deep tone too that’s very charasmatic love love love stray kids so much heart heart heart eager to learn more from you Goldman Sachs

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