The life fitst lesson 1,always respect your elders.There is no doubt that our parents seem to go smarter as we grow older,but the truth is they also sacrifice an incredible amount to allow our lives to be what ther are , and it is on their shoulders that we to realize

our greatest triumphs .

With this summer heat, I wear a "bermuda" since the beginning of the week. No, it's not a dress! [偷笑] We moved in new offices and we just learned that there is no air conditioner! Simply a system to produce a little cool air but that doesn't work everywhere! This afternoon there was 33°C. ... It's the threshold from which the employer legally have to take measures. So now we have the right to wear bermuda and to come to work very early in the morning. I hope that the dispute with the owner of the building will be soon solved. Because now it's just the beginning of summet ! So I won't cook for a time in the evening ...

My friends don't walk, they run

Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun

Popping, popping balloons with guns, getting high off helium

We paint white roses red,

Each shade from a different person's head

And scream that there's a killer

Getting drunk with the blue caterpillar

Now I'm peeling the skin off my face

'Cause I really hate being safe

The normal, they make me afraid

The crazy, they make me feel sane

I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,

Craziest friend that you've ever had

You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone

Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong

Oh, off the bend, entirely bonkers

You like me best when I'm off my rocker

Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed

So what if I'm crazy? The best people are

All the best people are crazy, all the best people are

Where is my prescription?

Doctor, doctor please listen

My brain is scattered

You can be Alice,

I'll be the mad hatter.

Now I'm peeling the skin off my face

'Cause I really hate being safe

The normal, they make me afraid

The crazy, they make me feel sane

I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,

Craziest friend that you've ever had

You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone

Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong

Oh, off the bend, entirely bonkers

You like me best when I'm off my rocker

Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed

So what if I'm crazy? The best people are

Oh you think I'm crazy, you think I'm wrong

So what if I'm crazy? The best people are

And I think you're crazy, I know you're wrong

That's probably the reason why we get along

I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,

Craziest friend that you've ever had

You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone

Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong

Oh, off the bend, entirely bonkers

You like me best when I'm off my rocker

Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed

So what if I'm crazy? The best people are

All the best people are crazy, all the best people are

All the best people are crazy, all the best people are

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