Encontro com CCPIT Hangzhou
Meeting with CCPIT Hangzhou

A Cônsul-Geral de Portugal em Xangai, Sílvia Inácio, e o Diretor da AICEP Xangai, Luís Costa, reuniram-se com o Presidente do CCPIT Hangzhou (Conselho para a Promoção do Comércio Internacional da China), Zhang Hongbin, tendo sido discutida a cooperação entre Portugal e Hangzhou em termos de promoção do comércio externo e investimento.

葡萄牙驻上海总领事夏思雅(Sílvia Inácio)和葡萄牙经贸投资促进局上海分局局长陆叶斯(Luís Costa)会见了中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)杭州市委员会会长张鸿斌,双方就葡萄牙和杭州在促进对外贸易和投资方面的合作进行了讨论。

The Consul General of Portugal in Shanghai, Sílvia Inácio, and the Director of AICEP Shanghai, Luís Costa, met with the President of CCPIT Hangzhou (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade), Zhang Hongbin, to discuss cooperation between Portugal and Hangzhou in terms of promoting foreign trade and investment.

A Cônsul-Geral salientou que Portugal e Hangzhou apresentam diversos interesses estratégicos comuns, em particular no setor automóvel, indústrias verdes, e projetos de aceleração de start-ups. Mostrou ainda interesse em visitar Hangzhou no futuro próximo.


The Consul General emphasised that Portugal and Hangzhou have several common strategic interests, particularly in the automotive sector, green industries and start-up acceleration projects. She also showed an interest in visiting Hangzhou in the nearby future.

Após descrição dos recentes desenvolvimentos socioeconómicos de Hangzhou, Presidente Zhang antecipou que encontro entre as partes anteverá maior dinamismo “a longo-prazo” de cooperação bilateral entre Hangzhou e Portugal.


After describing Hangzhou's recent socio-economic developments, President Zhang said that he hoped that the meeting between the two sides would lead to greater "long-term" bilateral cooperation between Hangzhou and Portugal.

Para saber mais sobre investimentos em Portugal, contacte a Delegação AICEP Xangai: aicep.shanghai@portugalglobal.pt


To find out more about investment in Portugal, contact the AICEP Shanghai Branch: aicep.shanghai@portugalglobal.pt


The day before there had been a rain and a thaw, then in the night the wind had suddenly blown from the north, and it had grown cold. In the morning it was very clear and cold, and there was the hard glitter of ice over everything. The snow-crust had a thin coat of ice, and all the open fields shone and flashed. The tree boughs and trunks, and all the little twigs, were enamelled with ice. The roads were glare and slippery with it, and so were the door-yards. In old Jonas Carey's yard the path that sloped from the door to the well was like a frozen brook.

Quite early in the morning old Jonas Carey came out with a pail, and went down the path to the well. He went slowly and laboriously, shuffling his feet, so he should not fall. He was tall and gaunt, and one side of his body seemed to slant toward the other, he settled so much more heavily upon one foot. He was somewhat stiff and lame from rheumatism.

He reached the well in safety, hung the pail, and began pumping. He pumped with extreme slowness and steadiness; a certain expression of stolid solemnity which his face wore never changed.

When he had filled his pail he took it carefully from the pump spout, and started back to the house, shuffling as before. He was two thirds of the way to the door, when he came to an extremely slippery place. Just there some roots from a little cherry-tree crossed the path, and the ice made a dangerous little pitch over them.

Old Jonas lost his footing, and sat down suddenly; the water was all spilled. The house door flew open, and an old woman appeared.

“Oh, Jonas, air you hurt?” she cried, blinking wildly and terrifiedly in the brilliant light.

The old man never said a word. He sat still and looked straight before him solemnly. “Oh, Jonas, you 'ain't broke any bones, hev you?” The old woman gathered up her skirts and began to edge off the door-step, with trembling knees. Then the old man raised his voice — “Stay where you be,” he said, imperatively. “Go back into the house!”

He began to raise himself, one joint at a time, and the old woman went back into the house, and looked out of the window at him.

When old Jonas finally stood upon his feet it seemed as if he had actually c

海山二(船底座η,η Car,Foramen,Tseen She)是船底座的一个三合星系统,距离地球大约7500光年。
海山二周围有一个巨大的哑铃形的星云——侏儒星云(Homunculus Nebula),它遮住了恒星发出来的光。

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