#临大彩虹##LGBTQ#One in five millennials identify as LGBTQ

Additionally, 12% of millennials stated they identify as transgender or gender non-conforming.

One in five millennials identify as LGBTQ, a new study has found.Most studies put the percentage of LGBTQ people compared to the rest of the population at anything from 4-10%.But people aged between 18 and 34 were twice as likely to not consider themselves heterosexual.

Additionally, 12% of millennials stated they identify as transgender or gender non-conforming. This is far higher than the 1 to 2% often claimed to be compared in the general population.

It comes as it was announced a person’s LGBTI identity would not be counted on the 2020 US Census.

‘As the administration begins to fulfill its pledges to move the country backwards, many are concerned about progress made in recent years for the LGBTQ community,” Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO, said.

‘However, this report shows a remarkable new era of understanding and acceptance among young people – an inspiring indication of the future. Though laws can be unwritten, hearts and minds in America have been changed for the better – and that is a reality less easily unraveled.’

In January, Gallup stated over 4% of US adults identified as LGBT in 2016, increasing from 3.5% in 2012. In 2015, YouGov found a third of younger Americans considered themselves something other than completely straight.

人与人之间,就是那么的不同。性格不同,喜好不同,观念不同。。。不必纠结于差异, 因为,人,生来就是不同的,各自都要去走完属于自己的那一段路。 people are different. They get different personality, different hobbies, different idea etc. So, don't focus on the difference between people because people are born to be different.This is by nature and every person should finish his different journey by himself.

#读报纸,学英文# From time to time, the United States identifies individuals who are crucial to the operation or specific agenda of a terrorist organization. Most often these are a part of the leadership, or they help finance terrorist organizations. In all cases, these are people who have committed, or are deemed to pose a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism.

Designated nationals are sanctioned by the U.S. government: their assets within U.S. reach are immediately frozen, and they are locked out of the global financial network. No U.S. citizen or company may conduct business with them. In this way, the United States disrupts financial support networks for terrorists and terrorist organizations.

In the continuing effort to combat terrorism in all its forms, and to confront all those who commit or incite terrorist acts, the United States Department of State has listed Alsayed Murtadha Majeed Ramadhan Alawi and Ahmad Hasan Yusuf as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under Executive Order 13224.

Alawi is affiliated with the Bahrain-based al-Ashtar Brigades. Yusuf is an Iran-based al-Ashtar Brigades senior member.

Al-Ashtar Brigades receives significant funding and support from Iran and has claimed responsibility for at least 20 attacks in Bahrain, chiefly against the country's security forces, including a 2014 bomb attack that killed two local police officers and an officer from the United Arab Emirates. Although the Al-Ashtar Brigade operates mainly in Bahrain, it also targets security forces of other Gulf nations, such as Saudi Arabia.

The designations of Alawi and Yusuf follow a recent increase in militant attacks in Bahrain, where Iran has provided weapons, funding, and training to militants. This marks yet another step in our continued effort to aggressively target Iran's destabilizing and terrorism-related activities in the region.

The United States will continue to stand with Bahrain in addressing these threats, even as we encourage the government to clearly differentiate its response to violent militia groups from its engagement with peaceful political opposition.

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