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Audiovector R1 Arreté The Final Chapter.
By Tinta Kencana Mohd Azmel
How does it perform?
These are the tracks that I used to evaluate the loudspeaker:
Sedetik Lebih – Anwar Zain from the album Tiga Dekad Muzik, Cinta dan Sanubari.
Japanese Roots – TakeDake & Neptune from the album Asian Roots
Rambut Itam Matanya Galak – Anneke Gronloh from the album Oh Malaya.
Nak Dara Rindu – Dayang Nurfaizah from the album Belagu II.
Beat Hotel – Allan Taylor from the album Closer To The Music Vol. 1.
Jin-Go-La-Ba – Santana from the album The Ultimate Collection.
There’s Malay saying that goes by ‘kecil-kecil cili padi’ which perfectly describes the Arrete.
Arreté does play loud beyond its diminutive size which says a lot about the design and technology used to construct the loudspeaker.
Of course it cannot beat the law of physic but you’ll be surprised how loud it can sing.
Loud without fidelity is just pure noise, mind you.
We don’t want that.
Here you will be greeted with such accuracy and precision (which reminds me of Piega Coax 311) that intertwine with its mellifluous tune.
Arreté delivers realistic true-to-life sound that is free from distortion or discoloration (no added MSG here).
Realism is the key here.
The pace is fast and sharp (excellent timing) thus the superb dynamic (full of energy).
There’s a sense of scale to the music (vertical rather than horizontal).
It projects the music into the room with authority (steer the melody in a right direction) and immediately grabs your attention.
The voice of Dayang Nurfaizah permeates the air with such gusto without overpowering the music (some will describe as the singer in the room).
Every note is properly conjured and delivered.
No missing beat or misplaced tune anywhere.
The music is ‘rightly’ arranged around the singer to create a wonderful and cohesive sound that will jolt your heart and soul (rather than caress them).
I listened with the grounding cable in place.
Without the cable, the soundscape will slightly collapse.
No more grandeur can be found in the music.
As if the grounding cable is supplying the needed energy to push the music beyond its petite size (although the cable is actually taking away the redundant waste energy from the loudspeaker thus making it much more efficient in delivering music).
When compared to my Xavian Orfeo, Arreté sounds angrier and furious (hot-tempered).
Xavian is calmer and polite.
Arreté is agile while the Xavian is slow and steady.
Arreté is a hurricane while the Xavian is a breeze.
Arreté is a sprint runner while the Xavian is more like jogging.
Both have their own unique traits.
Listening to the Japanese Roots, the Xavian cannot convey the realism of the music (rather mute) compared to the Arreté (which excel in delivering every tick and tock).
Xavian is much more at home with vocals rather than pure instrumentals.
This is where the Boenicke comes in.
Both of them are agile and nimble but the Arreté wins by a small margin (better focus and more transparent).
The Piega sounds much more linear and cohesive (music gels perfectly together) but it sacrifices the look.
Arreté looks gorgeous (magnificent) while the Piega is very industrial looking.
Just imagine Wonder Woman and the Terminator (or Cyborg).
You get the picture.
In short, Arreté does everything very well.
It will not upset or irate you.
In fact it will rejuvenate you with its energy and make you happy (cheerful).
If I were to nitpick, it does sound a bit dry and lean (not enough fat around the music compared to the Xavian).
Well, you need to be lean if you want to be agile and fast.
The only thing that you need to keep in mind is you have to get the grounding cable (yes, you have to buy it separately) because without that cable, you will not reach its full potential (which is rather a waste).
And it’s not cheap (plus the speaker stands also).
If you have a small room and you want the best sound from a bookshelf loudspeaker, you have to audition for the Audiovector R1 Arreté.
Please head to Audio Perfectionist showroom and have a listen.

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