【小瑶9分雅思口语• Part I• 高分范例】
Part I:Are water sports popular in China?

I believe yes. In some island provinces and cities along the coastline of China, water sports are well-liked by many tourists and locals who are very good swimmers. Scuba diving, canoeing(boating) and surfing are very popular. In fact, some Chinese people who are living in inland travel to places like Sanya or Qiandao only to try these exciting (aquatic) sports.

▲island provinces 有岛的省份✨主题词汇!推荐使用!
▲coastline n. 海岸线✨主题词汇!推荐使用!
▲well-liked adj. 深受喜爱✨主题词汇!推荐使用!
▲Scuba diving 水肺潜水✨主题词汇!推荐使用!
▲canoeing n. 划独木舟;划皮艇(可用boating替换)✨主题词汇!推荐使用!
▲surfing n. 冲浪✨主题词汇!推荐使用!
▲inland adj. 内陆
▲live in inland 住在内陆
▲aquatic sport n. 水上运动高分替换主题词汇!推荐使用!
#雅思# #决战雅思#

4 Seperate things of defferent phases of urban building architecture procedure, and you could find the four sets are seperate. You might wonder why this professional drawing means so much to a normal assignment of design, but I will try to express by making a comparison between normal lumps of relationships or to the stuff gets seperated during natural huge project, which is more alternatively seperated other than with-time seperatedly being done by connection. The sentences never have made this world burdensome even you feel it is burdensome when you, for example, not quite open to the flat making of congizational to the best info of this world, open your mind.

ps. the image is mazu

Season 10 Episode 12 "Gallavich!"

Liam: you get them anything for the wedding?
Carl: yeah. Edible boxers.
L: not very imaginative. I wanna get them something special but no money. They got a honeymoon car?
(trick到老爹 成功搞到蜜月车车 图三
by骗他Lip要卖房but without your share / taking the keys to the Rolls or the Mercedes
老爹开着奔驰到家后发现没人要卖房 'you lied?' Liam:师从大师hhhhh)
C: they’ll probably just stay at the Love Canal for the night. Take a bus or something.

Terry火烧wedding place
Debs: you think your uncle’s serious about shooting Mickey?
Mandy: serious as a heart attack. But他应该不会在婚礼上动手. too many witnesses. He’ll wait till Mickey’s alone somewhere or walking to the L.

holy sh-shit 图六(黑烟滚滚 这把火真的好大
叮咚 It’s on fire. The Bamboo Lotus. wedding place
Ian: Terry?
Mandy: what do you think? 还用说吗?

Lip: why-wh- so you guys wanna try to find someplace else to have the wedding today?
Mickey: they do. I’m just getting shit-faced drunk. 我在借酒消愁 图八
L: why is Mickey handcuffed?
Ian: he wants to kill his dad.
M: Will kill his dad.


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