#国家地理# Photo by @jtkerby | Words by @craigwelch | Gelada monkeys scamper by a road worker napping in the shadow of his bulldozer in the central Ethiopian highlands. The population of these grass-eating primates in Guassa, a protected area, is relatively healthy. But the highlands are changing fast. Farms are spreading as climate change makes higher ground more suitable for agriculture, and the government is encouraging new development, such as road paving in rural areas. More farms and better roads might help villagers economically. But that also fragments and destroys native grasslands, which geladas rely on for food.
| Unpublished photo from April's article on gelada monkeys at Guassa. See the full story in the magazine and more shots from the field from assignment photographers @jtkerby and @tbfrost. #Ethiopia #NatGeo #ExpeditionsCouncil #gelada

#国家地理# Photo by @jtkerby | Words by @craigwelch | Gelada monkeys scamper by a road worker napping in the shadow of his bulldozer in the central Ethiopian highlands. The population of these grass-eating primates in Guassa, a protected area, is relatively healthy. But the highlands are changing fast. Farms are spreading as climate change makes higher ground more suitable for agriculture, and the government is encouraging new development, such as road paving in rural areas. More farms and better roads might help villagers economically. But that also fragments and destroys native grasslands, which geladas rely on for food.
| Unpublished photo from April's article on gelada monkeys at Guassa. See the full story in the magazine and more shots from the field from assignment photographers @jtkerby and @tbfrost. #Ethiopia #NatGeo #ExpeditionsCouncil #gelada

#国家地理# Photo by @jtkerby | Words by @craigwelch | Gelada monkeys scamper by a road worker napping in the shadow of his bulldozer in the central Ethiopian highlands. The population of these grass-eating primates in Guassa, a protected area, is relatively healthy. But the highlands are changing fast. Farms are spreading as climate change makes higher ground more suitable for agriculture, and the government is encouraging new development, such as road paving in rural areas. More farms and better roads might help villagers economically. But that also fragments and destroys native grasslands, which geladas rely on for food.
| Unpublished photo from April's article on gelada monkeys at Guassa. See the full story in the magazine and more shots from the field from assignment photographers @jtkerby and @tbfrost. #Ethiopia #NatGeo #ExpeditionsCouncil #gelada

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  •   2、生日的地支是夫妻宫,日支上有正财,而为正财格身旺,若在日支上有食神与下面地格相生时,夫妇能同心协力,主其人婚姻美满,可得贤慧之终身伴侣,婚后家道日兴,声
  • 和你在一起的时光都很耀眼合作信息新娘妆发:荷玛造型团队 芯彤新郎妆发:荷玛造型团队 七七策划:倾城婚礼管家:沐桃婚礼统筹管家婚纱:陆希国际摄像:金锋团队摄影:D
  • 昨天跟着蒋先生学了几个词,“云淡风轻,看完了潮起潮落,大风大浪,之后再看任何的事情,都能明白都只是涓涓细流,终将流入大海”也想有一个书房,对着河流口,放下书,抬
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