#北京大学[超话]#争先恐后地涌现 AI  有意义吗?

Does it make sense to scramble to emerge AI?
Google Earth has been out for many years, why isn't there a second one?
Walk on foot, step by step, as long as you make progress......

eg: The earth moves around the sun once a year.
alkaline earth 碱土
black earth 黑土
Northeast fertile black earth once when organic transports to the area inside the Great Wall fat.
Earth Auger 螺旋行钻土机
earth connection 接地线
earth current 大地电流
earth lead 接地导线
Earth oil (古)石油
earth plate 接地金属板
earth satellite 人造地球卫星
earth science 地球科学

Second, because there may not be a primary key over the table, the search condition of the query may be unable to uniquely identify the row.
second best 次好;居二位
second class 二等的
second cousin 远房堂(表)兄弟姊妹
second growth 次生林
second hand 二手货
second language 第二语言
second lieutenant 少尉
second mate 二副
second person 第二人称
Second sight 超级视力;千里眼
second wind 重新振作; 精神恢复;恢复元气
split second 捧腹大笑

And I believe that if I do as what I said , I can make a great progress in the next term!
construction progress 施工进度
We hope that there is no more change to the inspection procedures to avoid any delay of the construction progress.
development progress 研制的进展情况
economic progress 经济进步
in progress 好些
make progress 进步
Progress Chart 进度表
progress payment 分期付款
progress record 进度记录
Progress report 进度报告
progress schedule 进度时间表
report progress 报告进展情况
technical progress 技术进步
technological progress 工艺发展

#每日一善[超话]# #每日一善# #阳光信用#
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. 光明灿烂的明天建立在忘却的过去之上。只有让以往的失败和伤心随风而去,你才能过得更好. ​​​



被動情感涉及充分的想法或圖像,顯示一個身體對另一個身體的影響,而*主動情感涉及充分的想法,這些想法可以透過豐富*身體的本質來解釋,而身體的本質是其自身行為的原因。受影響能力的兩個面向在每種現有模式中以相反且不同的比例一起存在:一種情感的存在越多,另一種情感的存在就越少(EP 219-22)。

P. 海登:多元體與生成,吉爾‧德勒茲的多元主義經驗主義
p。 65、

Affection are of two kinds, passive affection and active affection. Passive affections or ‘passions’ are those affections on a body caused by other bodies outside or external to it,while active affections or ‘actions’ are those affections produce by a body itself. Every existing mode is determined and affected by mode external to it and constantly undergoes changes caused by external bodies. Here the capacity to be affected appears as a force or power of suffering. A mode also has the ability to exercise its capacity of being affected with respect to its own essence, that is, its own degree of power, and thereby produce action or active affections of which it is the cause. The capacity of being affected is in this instance called by a force or power of acting. Furthermore, particularly in the case of humans, the present state of a body’s constitution is indicated by certain ideas. Passive affections are involved in adequate ideas or imaging that indicate the effect of one body on another, while active affections are involved in adequate ideas which can be explained by the essence of a body that is the cause of its own actions. The two aspects of the capacity to be affected are found together in each existing mode in inverse and varying proportions: the greater the presence
of one type of affection, the lesser the presence of the other(EP 219-22).

P. Hayden: Multiplicity and Becoming, the Pluralist Empiricism of Gilles Deleuze
p. 65

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  • 早安,情人节,送你最纯洁的祝福!我是没有那个福气的,愿你们一路走下去都能有繁星相佐,佳人在侧,有良人陪伴,不留遗憾。
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  • 也因此我们就明白了下面的现象:做真货的,比不过卖假货的;做科研的,比不过做金融的;做文艺的,比不过做娱乐的;……在一个社会里,当有一小撮人因为投机取巧而先获得利
  • 当前上证50和沪深300权重指数不断新低,市场全面反弹很难形成,且目前市场整体追高意愿不足,更多是一些题材股轮番反弹,再加上近期部分白马股陷入调整,市场交投未见
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  • 关于人际关系,我不再有新的想法了,只觉该不该是不是的,都有一把尺在量着,是谁喜欢得狠了爱的凶了看不穿了,这和我又有什么关系呢,我不过是活着而已。不觉得好笑吗…这
  • 用心见到眼睛所不能见到的东西才是真见,真见不是眼见,而是心见,所以《楞严经》告诉我们:“能见的是心非眼”。这两句话告诉修行人在观照见性之时,作双重观照:方便说:
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