I still feel a lot better these two days,Unlocked more positions that can barely fall asleep.But still can't sleep at night,Especially when there are too many people in the house, the snoring of big brothers and gentlemen will keep coming and going.Accompanied by the faint smell of urine from the urinal that I don't know,Well, the taste of summer is right.(Like Liqiu yesterday) The snoring sound may be the most unbearable sound that humans can make.Although I snore myself,butI still feel a lot better these two days,Unlocked more positions that can barely fall asleep.But still can't sleep at night,Especially when there are too many people in the house, the snoring of big brothers and gentlemen will keep coming and going.Accompanied by the faint smell of urine from the urinal that I don't know,Well, the taste of summer is right.(Like Liqiu yesterday) The snoring sound may be the most unbearable sound that humans can make.Although I snore myself,But as long as there is a roommate, I will always say that if I play too loudly and affect you, please shake me up without hesitation.The reason for this,The high probability is because of a childhood experience.I remember going out to play with my parents once,Forced to sleep in a room with my dad.The fear of being dominated by snoring and sleep talk all night,It caused indelible and irreparable damage to a young man who was growing up at the time.It seems that since then,He never slept in the same room with him again.It's been a whole week since the injury,It seems that whether it is hard work or lying in bed,Time goes by the same fast.The operation time is set for next Monday,Yesterday the doctor said during the rounds that if the calcaneus is opened and the condition is not good,Maybe take a piece from my hip shaft and fill it in.Yes, it's the crotch axis mentioned in the wolf disco.The bones of the waist and the bones of the heel actually met in this way,Still the kind of you in me and me in you,For a moment, it felt quite fun.In 未来, I can tell others that I have undergone major surgery like bone grafting.Stitches were removed in three weeks,You can walk with a heavy load in eight weeks.The theoretical recovery schedule gave me some hope.I just don't know how long it will take for the follow-up physical therapy to restore the left foot to the state before the injury.The doctor also mentioned some possible postoperative risks,After listening to it, there is a feeling of fierceness.With the increase of age and the pressure of long hours of work,I don't know how many damp rainy nights in the future, I will hug my left foot and cry.In order to accumulate energy for the upcoming surgery,Eat more takeaway recently.幸好, the Wangjing business district where the hospital is located,Everything is delicious.The experience of ordering food in the hospital bed every day is the same as the experience of ordering food on the sofa at home.Plus the computer is also brought here,When it's in good condition, you can cut and eat chicken.I feel hospitalization is actually not that bad.It's the second time I ran out of 40G data in the package since I started the Unicom ice cream package.Part of it was contributed to Douyin and Thirty.After watching this play, there are still many feelings.我是三十岁,那时候, 我只是找到了未来工作的方向。到现在, 可以认为它已经完成了一些分阶段的目标。However, 在继续完成大目标的路上, 他被一堵无法逾越的墙所绊倒。然后他直接倒在医院的床上。未来的路肯定不会那么顺利。但是经过这样的经历或教训之后,肯定会更实用。我希望。

Buti - My lady 白兰地色手袋
面对米兰购物胜地埃马努埃莱走廊,怎能少了时尚单品作伴? #BUTI - My lady 白兰地色手袋是教堂大理石色染上的夕阳,是摩登女郎醉在酒杯上的印记。
My lady包型圆润,是60年代的经典包型,但在开口处做了翻扣,设计更为简单现代。不管是休闲约会还是正式场合,这款经典包型都出入地落落大方,线条柔和,质感肉眼可见。 #意大利


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