
tag防弹少年团 田柾国 田柾国撕页签 deco7set deco随机果 葡萄果 one普果 fc心心果 20蓝光果 冬日果 20普果 21普果 概念集r7 转黑胶果 转o果 22台历果 its7 田柾国solo专卡 yzy果 tc特典果 结s果 结f果 红衣果 黄衣果 破唢呐v2v4果 白天鹅果 天使果 白专果 黄油果 proofc7 proofs7 黄油线下果 ptd果 21台历果 新d社7set 新d社果特别卡 be果 花二果 春日果 转u果 承her果 mots果 新d社3set 新d社4set ptd泰 结s泰 结f泰 21台历泰 be固泰 绝版蓝泰 花二泰 bewvs特典泰 沙滩泰 转黑胶俊 转黑胶锡 转黑胶糖


tag防弹少年团 田柾国 田柾国撕页签 deco7set deco随机果 葡萄果 one普果 fc心心果 20蓝光果 冬日果 20普果 21普果 概念集r7 转黑胶果 转o果 22台历果 its7 田柾国solo专卡 yzy果 tc特典果
结s果 结f果 红衣果 黄衣果 破唢呐v2v4果 白天鹅果 天使果 白专果 黄油果 proofc7 proofs7 黄油线下果 ptd果 21台历果 新d社7set 新d社果特别卡 be果 花二果 春日果 转u果 承her果 mots果 新d社3set 新d社4set ptd泰 结s泰 结f泰 21台历泰 be固泰 绝版蓝泰 花二泰 bewvs特典泰 沙滩泰 转黑胶俊 转黑胶锡 转黑胶糖

马斯克暂时最后一组 然后我妈就带手机出门了 她五六个小时以后才回来 所以我得晚点再做了、、、okayy this is the last set we have for Mr. Musk’s Tesla and then my mom will be out with her phone for 5-6 hours which I will try to check on the news and take my noon nap and walk the dog and get my personal content ready so by the time she comes back I just have everything ready to go ,,, now I want to cover every company on the roster,,, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs both posted after my thread today so I assume they would like to be added to the roster,,, and Citigroup also posted in purple after my post so I assume it wants to be added too ,,, and JP Morgan posting after my thread as well it’s already secured its place and I’m starting my banking service with Chase in April loll thank you JP Morgan ,,, Morgan Stanley ,,, Goldman Sachs ,,, and Citigroup for wanting to join ,,, I need to send in my repost to confirm with y’all today these are all for the 15K spot still ,,, any other companies that want to join can still join in April for the 50K spot but the upside to that one is that you actually get more coverages if you’d like up to 7 times of repost per week if you post that much ,,, so any company or person can join that one if you’d like to in April and that one I will try to collect the funds first that’s why I have to make sure everybody gets taken care of on my roster very very well for all who are paying so my clients can be all happy and satisfied with my service ,,, right now it’s just that my mom is leaving with her phone so I can’t check my uploads so I will do some other prep work,,, today I also have to chat with the Chinese boss about their shits tooo but that’s really nothing to talk about that much still the same o’ just opening to talk to everybody now that the red boss no longer continued his service with me so the very next thing I didn’t waste no time and got on board with all of you with my new contract deals and making my new plans as quickly as possible and allowed no time to waste and now my clients are all happy and I’m alll happy doing this work everyday but yahhh we will get more of y’all covered okayy ,,, I believe Mr. Musk still has a few more with his mother’s account but all done and made up for my Tesla series and I will run it for the rest of the guests on my rosters until I turn back to serve Mr. Musk but I still do need to serve Mr. Musk for the one with his mom but my mom is leaving now so I can’t check on it anyways ,,, just really loving the work and ability of the cybertruck and can’t wait to get my very own ,,, in April we will have a lot of new exciting plans we can embark on seriously couldn’t wait so exciting !!! Yayyyy can’t love y’all enough love love love everyone so so much ,,, see y’all again in a few hours I will check in via design sets maybe cause those usually don’t hold restrictions for going up ,,, okayyy see y’all in a lil bit love love love my beautiful incredible boss / bosses and love love love everyone ,,, cybertruck is truly a work of wonder,,, I can’t wait to drive it !!! Yayyyyyy

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