据美国《华尔街日报》3月8日报道,福茂集团董事长兼首席执行官赵安吉上个月因车祸身亡,该媒体获悉,赵安吉发生车祸的原因是她在驾驶特斯拉Model X时挂挡操作失误,导致车坠入池塘。



由于天气寒冷,赵安吉没有选择步行,而是驾驶特斯拉Model X,驾车仅需四分钟即可返回主屋。然而,在告别后没几分钟,她的朋友就接到了赵安吉的求助电话。赵安吉说,在进行三点转向(在狭窄道路掉头)时,她没有正确地挂前进挡,而是挂了倒挡。她以前在使用特斯拉挡杆时也犯过这样的错误。汽车急速倒车,翻过堤坝,坠入一个池塘。车迅速下沉。

US media reveals ,Global News According to the Wall Street Journal on March 8th, Zhao Anji, Chairman and CEO of Fumao Group, died in a car accident last month. The media learned that the reason for Zhao Anji's car accident was her gear shifting operation error while driving the Tesla Model X, Causing the car to crash into the pond.

According to previous media reports, on February 11th local time, Zhao Anji passed away in a car accident in Texas at the age of 50. On February 29th local time, the Texas police stated that "this is not a typical accident.". The police said, "Although preliminary investigations indicate that this was an unfortunate accident, the sheriff's office is still investigating the accident as a criminal case until there is sufficient evidence to rule out the possibility of criminal activity."

The Wall Street Journal reported that based on interviews with Zhao Anji's family and close contacts, police interviews with those familiar with the incident or the situation at the time, and review of law enforcement documents, the media reviewed what happened at the time. According to reports, Zhao Anji was having a gathering with friends at a vacation ranch. She was preparing to return to the main house around 11:30 pm and wanted to wait for her son to wake up the next morning and go home.

Due to the cold weather, Zhao Anji did not choose to walk, but drove the Tesla Model X, which only took four minutes to return to the main house. However, just a few minutes after bidding farewell, her friend received a call for help from Zhao Anji. Zhao Anji said that when making a three-point turn (turning on a narrow road), she did not correctly shift into forward gear, but instead shifted into reverse gear. She has made such a mistake before when using the Tesla gear lever. The car quickly reversed, flipped over a dam, and fell into a pond. The car sank rapidly.

In the following hours, her friends, vacation ranch manager, his wife, firefighters, and police attempted to rescue Zhao Anji from the car, but it was already too late to rescue her. Zhao Anji was declared dead on the spot and was not taken to the hospital.

The "Business Insider" website stated that details about how Zhao Anji's Tesla fell into the pond had not been disclosed by the police before, leading some people, including Kyle Bass, founder and chief investment officer of Heiman Capital Management, to question whether Tesla's system had been hacked.

According to public information, Zhao Anji (1973-2024) was born in the United States, with ancestral roots in Jiading, Shanghai. She was the sister of former US Secretary of Labor Zhao Xiaolan and a former independent non-executive director of Bank of China. Zhao Xiaolan is the wife of Republican leader McConnell in the United States Senate. Zhao Anji has been an independent director of Bank of China since January 2017. Current Chairman and CEO of Fumao Group in the United States. I worked in the merger and acquisition department of Smith Barney (now part of Morgan Stanley Group) from 1994 to 1996.


公开资料显示,赵安吉(1973-2024),出生在美国,祖籍上海嘉定,美国前任劳工部长赵小兰的妹妹,中国银行原独立非执行董事。赵小兰是美国参议院共和党领袖麦康奈尔的夫人。赵安吉自2017年1月起任中国银行独立董事。现任美国福茂集团董事长和首席执行官。1994年至1996年在史密丝·邦尼(Smith Barney,现属摩根士丹利集团)合并与并购部门任职。

A Trip to the Silk Road

Jenny,Danny and Li Ming will travel along the Silk Road together.Their first stop will be Xi'an.Is about 1114 kilometers from Beijing to Xi'an.The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometers long.They can only see part of the Silk Road.They can learn about the history and culture of China along the way.

Xi'sn is the Walled City.They can walk along the wall in the Walled City.They can climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.It is over 1300 years old.They can visit the famous Terra Cotta Warriors.They are over 2000 years old.Xi'an has a long history.They will have a good time in this ancient city!

Then they take a train to Lanzhou.They go for a walk along the Yellow River.The yellow river is very wide and long.It is about 5400 kilometers long.They call it the Mothe River.They see the Mother River Statue.They take a picture infront of the Mother River Statue.

They arrive in Dunhuang.They take a tour around the city.They walk the same road as Marco Polo.They find a camel man in their way to Mingsha Mountain.The man helps Danny and Jenny onto the camels.

They come back to Beijing.They see the Beijing Opera and go to the Great Wall.They think the great wall is amazing。It is about 6300 kilometers long and over 2000 years old.Then they go to theBird's Nest.It is only a few years old.But it is a very famous and beautiful building.Danny look fors birds there.But of course——He don't find any.

They learn so much about Chinese history and culture on their trip.They will miss China.They will come back someday.

#安东森[超话]##2024法国羽毛球公开赛# Well it was fun for as long as it lasted After a good run of 16 wins in a row I got back to reality yesterday and suffered my first defeat of 2024. Chico played flawless and it’s all credit to him

It’s been great feeling out the Arena where the Olympics will take place in the summer. Definitely a beautiful arena and I’m looking forward to come back

NOW! It’s time to focus on the All England coming up next week. Let’s go

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