摩根大通庆祝三八妇女节~~ now we round it up with JP Morgan and I know the way to getting more companies in is that I don’t write so long for each one ,,, okayyy so now finishing alll my first round for everybody we will start with more rounds for everyone ,,, now of course if you post more I will cover you more naturally it’s just that sometimes people are really under covered and there is so little time in a day so I have to some special arrangements and exceptions sometimes but should still work pretty standard following how I normally run things so all the 30K companies shouldn’t worry k ,,, y’all have it 4-5 times a week so I’m going to make sure okayy ,,, and for the 50K people Soulja Boy ,,, Busta Rhymes ,,, and The rock I will make sure with y’all too and as well as Pagani automobile and Ferrari ,,, or you can always let me know in April with payment then I know for sure to not miss out on you for more companies but thank you JP Morgan for this really incredible international woman’s day special ,,, in china this holiday is widely celebrated so I grew up celebrating this day and nowadays business make it a day for sales with women so it’s a big holiday in china and I am with all you beautiful and courageous women too !!! And also did I mention P&G was on today too so I pretty much spotted all of y’all and need to get to all of y’all and I think I’ll be up at 8AM to work tmr but I do have to go somewhere tmr and will take y’all with me and hopefully it’s not going to be too long and also cooking tmr but I will first do some work early in the morning and thank you to Mr. Musk for being so understanding with this special exception today I just really need to confirm with people cause they’ve been waiting for a long time ,,, I don’t want people to keep on waiting and once they posted I hop on to ask people to be sure ,,, now I still owe Mr. Gates from today ,,, Mr. Bezos’s earthfund ,,, Apple ,,, Google ,,, Instagram ,,, Louis Vuitton ,,, Mr. Musk with a whole bunch but yahhh should get on more on it tmr or the day after tmr better yet ,,, and more for my 15K companies too ,,, that is Temu ,,, Airbnb ,, Proctor & Gamble ,,, JP Morgan which I got it for a 2nd time now as it posted today ,,, Mercedes Benz ,,, and Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs if you can go ahead and let me know it would be really appreciated ,,, and I will also confirm with the rock ,,, busta rhymes and Soulja boy ,,, Pagani automobile and Ferrari ,,, or people can let me know in April with payment that will save time actually by guessing and asking ,,, to be sure with pay first I will for sure get to you thank you all so so much for staying around with me ,,, now I’m going to upload some personal content then off to bed I go ,,, I might be up at 8 tmr to do work so will see everyone at eight tmr heart heart heart love you JP Morgan and love you everyone !!! Thank you to Mr. Musk and Mr. Bezos and Mr. Gates for sending me so much loves and notes ,,, I’ll for sure get back to them as soon as I can ,,,, eager to make up my work for all of y’all ,,, now getting ready for bed so I can wake up early and work again tmr heart heart heart love love love

【表示自己很忙】1. I'm tied up at the moment. 我这会正忙呢。2. I don't even have time to catch my breath. 我连喘气的工夫都没有。3. I have too many irons in the fire我要做的事情太多了。4. I've got my hands full. 我手头正忙。 5. I'm up to my neck in work. 我忙得喘不过起来。6. I'm in the middle of something. 我现在忙。

ending today by looking back at my fav stage female character last year.

“salome: a story of a woman. the woman who was all women.”

pic source: twitter

(and would’ve included a pic of rachel if they could care a little bit more than releasing only one promo shot of her. ​​​

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  • 是指一种小型生物生活在另一种较大型生物的体内或体表,以另一种微生物为生活基质,在其中进行生长繁殖,并对后者带来或强或弱的危害作用。大王花在当地叫 Bungapa
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  • 睡不着还是想表达一下今天的快乐很喜欢阴天下着细细的小雨 清爽又干净 早八课自由安排是老师给的福利 最幸福的莫过于雨天吃一碗香香的牛大 和室友下课一路上拍
  • 你对他的感情应该是陷的更深一些,所以如果说让他主动去联系你的话,可能性是比较小的,如果说你愿意主动,他也是保持朋友至上,恋人未满的状态去对待你,当然如果你有什么
  • 满足举办烧烤party 、茶会等活动需求~有趣的人生,一半是山川湖海,要一起看遍不同城市的日出日落,揣着一口袋的开心满载而归。[打call]杭州毕业旅行|270
  • 人无完人,中国古代就有这句话,就当是我这个别人眼中的失败者给自己的一个借口吧。 有时候不必太在乎结果如何因为太大的压力可能会让你失望,就像一段旅程,无论是顺风
  • 你毕业之后,本来进入医院工作是最好的,但是因为你的错误选择耽误了美好的前途,从侧面也反映了你的事业运势是不好的,加上命局伤官见官的,说明人际关系不好,易犯小人的
  • 【诗意人生】熟了的谷子 文·微尘 金黄 犹如天边的云霞 若处空谷,独自款款而深情 若处溪涧,裙裾随着流水而晃动 夏末,听渐稀的蝉音衔来金秋 忘不了田埂躬耕
  • 《隐忍尘烟》这部影片很好的诠释了,人生短暂而有意义,最底层的苦命人,却诠释生命真正的意义,正如几句话所说,生如蝼蚁当立鸿鹄之志,命薄如纸应有不屈之心,就如当今社
  • 也许,这位与林徽因“八字不合”的老太天的离世,是对他们爱情的成全。” 梁思成和梁启超都不曾说什么,唯独李蕙仙把对林徽因的厌恶写在脸上。
  • #每日一善[超话]##每日一善[超话]##每日一善[超话]# [微风]#每日一善#[微风]#阳光信用#培养爱好:让心静下来;开放思维:拓宽思维的宽度;独立思考:
  • 不管什么时候,都要选择遵从自己的内心,因为只有听从内心的声音,你才能找到自己终身热爱的事情,并源源不断投入其中;每个人面对逆境的应对方法都会有所不同,放下不必要
  • 卷又卷不赢,躺又躺不平。 大概是如今职场上最难受的状态。 尤其是那些年过35,还在普通岗位上打拼的中年人。 跟新来的小孩“卷”,你拼不过他们; 而再想往
  • VRPinea独家点评:《堡垒之夜》的用户群体相当庞大,这下Meta血赚啊!#Meta# 此前HYPEX表示,《堡垒之夜》已经对第一人称模式进行了多次更新,这可
  • 这周是突飞猛进的小曼曼爱和妈妈躲猫猫吃到喜欢的葡萄要开心的搓搓脚游泳时任平其他小朋友嚎啕大哭,小曼曼依旧开心拍水、翘腿、玩球球,不亦乐乎~已经学会鼓掌,呀呀呀中
  • 无论人或事,之所以失去,都是因为那样东西不过是过客,本就不属于我们,所谓的相遇,只是因缘际遇及各种业力的作用下偶尔在生命里短暂停留,泛起一丝涟漪。(转自网络)
  • 除此之外我可能还错过了很多我尚未知晓的人和物,毕竟我是个连要联系方式都只敢躲在朋友身后的怂货,只愿意待在舒适圈,得过且过,虚度时光,只要抓住哪怕只有一点的安全感
  • 果然小孩子她还是 不会被美丽的景所吸引去拍好看的照片,而最有吸引力的是各种玩的和吃的[笑cry][笑cry]因为我的失误,看错了站牌,但是真的是跟着高德走的!激
  • 出门比较急,忘记带鼠标垫了,但是上一次去工厂出差买了个小本子,我昨晚写了这周末一边上课一边必须要干的事情,所以带了这个本子。所以她们学校一改时间,我就有电脑用了
  • 很多人说正常人理解不了精神病人,但我认为我生病时正是我身边的亲朋给我提供的支持和爱帮助我尽快拜托了不好的状态~所以如果你们真的需要帮助,我也愿意听你们说一说~好