Han Soo-Kyung (Cho Eun-Sook) receives a phone call that her husband (Lee Kwang-Ki) was involved in a car accident and is now in coma. Her husband told her that he was going away on a business trip to Chuncheon, but at the hospital she learns from his colleague that his business there was finished months ago. While filing insurance papers, Han Soo-Kyung learns that her husband registered a young boy Kim Cho-Rok (Jeon Jin-Seo) on their family register. Han Soo-Kyung goes through her husband's phone and contacts a woman from his recent caller list. They make plans to meet at a cafe in Chuncheon. There, Han Soo-Kyung meets the woman and young Kim Cho-Rok. The woman asks Han Soo-Kyung to take Kim Cho-Rok back with her.


Ang ganda Ng kwento na to. Buti na Lang ito inuuna Kong panoorin. nakakaiyak pano Naman kase ang galing umacting ni joshua si chorok hahaha galing nito umiyak tapos ang ganda pa Ng kwento. eto ang plot twist Jan Hindi pala tunay na anak ni jinsu si chorok Akala Kasi nung una ang Sabe anak sya ni jinsu sa iBang babae. tapos Yung nanay ni chorok maysakit na cancer. ang hirap nung ganyan Yung iniwan sayo Yung Bata (anak kuno Ng kabet) tapos aalagaan mo. pero hindi mo rin Naman kayang iwan at pabayaan Kasi kawawa Naman. kaya wala Kang choice kundi Kunin sya at dalhin sa bahay. maganda Yung ending Kasi Hindi na nya pinaampon si chorong .


I really gone this time, take care of yourself, remember to eat on time, don't stay up late on time, although you are very busy, but you have to take care of yourself, you know, when I met you, I actuallyI believe in love, I want to touch it anymore, I don't want to be alone.Snoving at night, this time will definitely be very difficult, I will try to forget you, promise me later, I don't want to see my love, I don't want to see my love.You must be happy, don't find this like this, let you feel that you can't help you, if you can't give you enough love, sorry, I can only accompany you, I will not bother, thank you.Your companion, I really can't let it go, but I don't want to go to you again. You don't have to doubt your true heart to you, you are true from beginning to end, you are only some of them, although it is regrettable, but, butI don't regret it, I think the relationship between us will be like this,Next day, you don't look for me, I will not find you, let's slowly alienate, your phone will not pull black, after all, I have been deeply loved, if you send me a message,I think I will return you, but I will not have any expectations. Baby wife is my last time. This is called you. After you have to go, you will not be able to give it a step, and I am not qualified, love you isReally, the tears you have flowing is true,When you can't sleep, you think you are true. Forgive me for the troubles you caused during this time, I used to bother, I won't have it, I wish you peace.

I hate you
but ilove you
I miss you
but I'm better off without you
I want you
Out of my life
buti never want to let you go https://t.cn/EXagkdg

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