#英国剑桥视觉表演艺术学院# #CSVPA#
Ornella Galvez Allegretti, MA Fashion Branding and Creative Communication

Born in Argentina, with a degree in Law, I can confirm I'm not afraid of challenges. I have always had a passion for fashion, and for this reason, at the end of 2013, I began my venture in social media. In due course, I discovered that my main interest was researching and explaining how the fashion business operates. In other words, communicating fashion in a more democratic and inclusive way. I'm currently working towards my Independent Major Project, which is a "phygital' (physical/digital) publication, informed by values of communicational diversity, cultural awareness and environmental consciousness.

OrneLGA is a fashion magazine that I have essentially been imagining/creating for years, but which is only just now becoming a reality. Step-by-step, I'm building the parts of a journal. I have explored the world of photography by creating editorials that reflect my identity, and ventured into the world of creative writing by developing my own reviews and trend reports during the last fashion week season. I have found myself researching the history of runway and designer profiles, while engaging in the world of interviews. There is much more to come. In the future, I will continue to explore the world of journalism, adapted to my practice, and ever-evolving digital platforms.

Instagram: @ornelga
Tik Tok: @ornelga

#剑桥视觉表演艺术学院# #CSVPA#
Sarah C. Hopkins, MA Visual Communication: Graphic Design

"Fungiphilia" invites the viewer to see the fungi kingdom in a new way, though contemporary visual interpretations of words from experts exploring the intricate and integral role of fungi in our ecosystems, as well as passages dating back to the 1800s which help lend context to our complicated relationship with fungi.

"Mycelium Movement" educates the viewer on the role of mycelium on our planet, and its possibilities as a sustainable material and ally in confronting climate change.

"Close: A Compendium of Fine Detail" is a tale of my beautiful friendship with a jewelry loupe.

Website: designhops.com
Email: sarahclarkhopkins@gmail.com

#剑桥视觉表演艺术学院# #CSVPA#
We are delighted to announce that hosted by Cambridge University and the Cambridge Festival the CSVPA Mycelium Pavilion is opening this weekend.

The Mycelium Pavilion is designed by Andrea Galimberti, Aleksandra Kim, Mikhail Nikolaev and Rain Wu as part of CSVPA Spatial Design Lab for Cambridge Festival 2022.

Constructed with biodegradable agricultural by-products, bound together by micro filaments of mycelium, the pavilion offers a glimpse of the future of architecture: a fast-growing biomaterial that is lightweight, high-strength, low-carbon and already growing all around and beneath our feet.

The Mycelium Pavilion is made of two parts: the vertical timber structure resembles the idea of the forest and provides support to a cascade of mycelium rings, linked to form an interconnected veil.

Starting from the design team’s collective imagination of ‘Bamboo Mushroom’, the installation employed architectonic techniques overlaid with an organic nebula to accommodate a multiplicity of readings of mycelial qualities.

The pavilion project is not only a collaboration between a group of spatial designers, but also a collaboration with a non-human agency at a microbial scale. This required a rigorous process of material experimentation and aesthetics innovation.


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