
7th GECF Summit: Ideal opportunity to shape future of global gas industry (foreign experts)

ALGIERS-Foreign experts in the field of energy and gas agreed, in statements to APS, that the 7th Summit of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), to be held in Algeria from February 29 to March 2, represents an ideal opportunity to chart the future course of the global gas industry, against the backdrop of exceptional geopolitical circumstances having a definite impact on this strategic industry.

Ulrich Benterbusch, Executive Director of the German company Gascade, which specializes in the international transport of natural gas, described the Summit as an "important global event" and a platform "for communication between gas-exporting and gas-importing countries, as well as an opportunity to exchange views on the development of gas markets.”

The German expert also saw the Algiers Summit as an opportunity "to chart the future course of the gas industry, particularly in terms of planning and managing production and export volumes, and to discuss the major challenges facing the sector".

For his part, Alexander Frolov, Deputy Director General of the Russian National Energy Institute, affirmed the importance of the Algiers Summit, saying that the meetings and other events taking place on the sidelines of the event would provide an opportunity to "pool efforts between GECF member countries, as agreements and understanding between them have become more important than ever,” in the context of current geopolitical tensions.

Turning to Algeria's role in the global gas market, Frolov assured us that "Algeria's importance as a gas supplier to Europe has grown remarkably over the last two years,” pointing out that the GECF Summit in Algiers is expected to focus on several joint energy projects, especially in Africa, notably the gas pipeline linking Nigeria and Algeria.

For his part, Egyptian energy expert Dr Sameh Noman explained that the forthcoming Summit was an important global event, all the more so as the countries making up the Forum account for some 70% of the world's proven gas reserves, over 40% of marketed production and around half of liquefied natural gas exports.

In this respect, the Algiers Summit is of "great importance" as it will provide "a platform for strengthening international cooperation and discussing current energy challenges as well as the future of the gas industry".

He emphasized that Algeria has a "major and very important role" in the international gas market, noting that this importance has increased recently.

For his part, energy consultant Khaled Al Awadhi assured that the Summit would strengthen the position of gas-exporting countries, pointing out that, given the need to control gas markets, "the Forum could be transformed into an organization similar to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and fulfill the same missions in the gas field.”

He went on to say that Algeria's "strategically important location, security stability and high-quality, clean fossil resources make it a reliable country while its hydrocarbon law, which includes several important incentives, makes it a country that encourages foreign investment.”

Besides, energy expert and editorial advisor to the specialist platform "Taqa", Dr Anas bin Faisal Al-Hajji, asserted that gas "is no longer a bridge to the future, but rather the future itself, after the failure of many climate change policies.”

"In light of current energy change, gas is the only fuel with characteristics that make it the preferred fuel, especially as wind and solar power are still intermittent and storage batteries are expensive," he argued.


1. 梅林科夫医生对医科学生说,关注病人的言语非常重要。(pay attention to)
Doctor Mellinkoff said to the medical students that it was of great importance to pay attention to what the patient was saying.

2. 作者和梅林科夫医生讨论有趣的病例,其中一个是有关一位34岁的危地马拉男子的。(interesting cases)
The writer and Doctor Mellinkoff discussed interesting cases; one of them was about a Guatemalan man, aged 34.

3. 医生走到病人身旁,询问他的病情,病历及大概情况。(approach)
The doctor approached the patient and asked him about his condition, medical history and general situation.

4. 病人根本没有食欲,却笑着说一切都好。(no desire)
The patient had no desire to eat, yet he smiled and said everything was all right.

5. 医生一提出这个问题,病人的脸上就发生了非常明显的变化。(couldn't have been more obvious)
5. As soon as the doctor put forward the question, the change in the patient's appearance couldn't have been more obvious.

Ⅵ Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. Maybe the doctor was unhappy that the patient would have to wait to be X-rayed,but he gave no sign of it.

2. The patient said nothing, but his expression showed that he found it diffcult to answer the question.

3. Nothing was said, but it was easy to tell that a message had been sent and had also been received.

4. One of the students said,“We all know how difficult it is to get the kitchen to make special meals.”

5. If we want to make real progress, we need to be able to talk with him.

Follow-up Activities

Ⅶ Complete the following tasks with your group or with the class.

1. Suppose you are the patient in the passage, retell the story.

2. Comment on Dr. Mellinkoff's idea about how to deal with patients.

3. Discuss the importance of a doctor's care towards patients.

Spotlight on Grammar

The change in the patient's appearance couldn't have been more obvious.(Passage A,Unit 8)

上例中的couldn't have been more obvious 是“否定式+比较级”的结构,表示“最……”的意义。意思是“再明显不过了”或“最明显”。

英语中“最……”的意义除了用形容词或副词的最高级来表示 外,还可用“否定式+形容词或副词的比较级”的结构来表示,其中“否定式”可以是名词短语的否定式,也可以是动词短语的否定式。例如:


Nobody works harder than Mark does.(= Mark works hardest.) 没人比马克工作更努力。

Nothing is more dangerous to people's health than passive smoking.(=Passive amoking is very dangerous to people's health.)被动吸烟对健康危害极大。

No one in our family has a better memory than Jane.(=Jane has the best memory in our family.) 我们家谁的记忆力都比不上简。

No garden in the town is more than his. (= His garden is the most beautiful in the town.) 他的花园是城里最漂亮的。

动词短语否定式 + 比较级:

The story I read last night couldn't be more interesting. https://t.cn/RXG1rlH

Dror Paley医生应邀来中国参加会议,他的助手告诉我,如果有朋友想在国内面诊,可以联系安排。

Dror Paley, M.D., FRCSC, is the founder (2009) and director of the Paley Institute in West Palm Beach Florida. Prior to that he was the founder( 2001) and director of the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics, Baltimore, MD (a $25 million Institute built specifically for him). He was the Chief of Pediatric Orthopedics at the University of Maryland in Baltimore 1987-2001. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in limb lengthening and reconstruction.  Dr Paley trained under the guidance of Professor Ilizarov of Russia (Ilizarov method) and Professor Debastiani of Italy (Orthofix method).  In 1986, he introduced the Ilizarov method to the US and Canada. Since that time, he has performed more than 20,000 limb lengthening and reconstruction-related procedures and had invented more than 100 new surgical procedures.  Patients come to his Institute from all 50 states and from more than 90 countries over six continents.


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