我天呐 我都要哭了 若世间真有伟大爱意 我便相信在你们之中
#Saturn-Sleeping At Last[音乐]#

Fitz I knew from the moment I saw you from our first conversation about dielectric polarization that youd be in my life for a long time But I didnt know you would be my life my heart my home My love for you grows deeper and always will no matter where the universe takes us next —— Jemma Simmons

I have been thinking about what to say Just Words dont really seem enough I think that you are perfect And um I dont deserve you Jemma I dont I dont deserve you And Im wellaware that Im the luckiest man on any planet —— Leopold Fitz

【With shortness of breath you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist】


【Chinese tea culture】

Tea has a history of more than 4,000 years in China. There are 6 main kinds of tea, such as green tea, black tea, and white tea.

Chinese people enjoy talking with relatives and friends over a cup of tea at home. Tea is also served to the guests before of after a feast.

Why is tea so popular with us Chinese? The main reason is that it does a lot of good to us.

First, after drinking tea, one can have a clear mind when working and studing. Second, some people drink tea to keep health or help treat some kinds of diseases. For example, green tea is good for patients with cancer, people whose blood is high in fat can benefit from black tea.

However, if you have difficulty falling asleep at night, you'd better not drink tea before bed in the evening.

Besides, our tea-things, such as tea-pots, tea-cups, tea-spoons, and tea containers made of China with various flowers and other pictures painted on them, look very beautiful. It is also a sort of art enjoyment to drink a cup of tea.


Remember the day I borrowed your
brand new car and dented it?
I thought you'd kill me,
but you didnt.
And remember the time
I dragged you to the beach,
and you said it would rain, and it did?
I thought you d say, "I told you so
But you didn't.
Do you remember the time
I flirted with all the guys to
make you jealous, and you were?
I thought youd leave
but you didn't

Do you remember the time
I spilled strawberry pie all
over your car rug
I thought youd hit me,
but you didn't.
And remember the time I forgot to
tell you the dance was formal and
you showed up in Jeans
I thought you'd drop me
but you didn't
Yes, there were lots of things
you didn't do
But you put up with me,
and loved me
and protected me

There were lots of things
I wanted to make up to you
when you returned from Vietnam
But you didn't https://t.cn/RyhO9Bk

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