Dror Paley医生应邀来中国参加会议,他的助手告诉我,如果有朋友想在国内面诊,可以联系安排。

Dror Paley, M.D., FRCSC, is the founder (2009) and director of the Paley Institute in West Palm Beach Florida. Prior to that he was the founder( 2001) and director of the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics, Baltimore, MD (a $25 million Institute built specifically for him). He was the Chief of Pediatric Orthopedics at the University of Maryland in Baltimore 1987-2001. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in limb lengthening and reconstruction.  Dr Paley trained under the guidance of Professor Ilizarov of Russia (Ilizarov method) and Professor Debastiani of Italy (Orthofix method).  In 1986, he introduced the Ilizarov method to the US and Canada. Since that time, he has performed more than 20,000 limb lengthening and reconstruction-related procedures and had invented more than 100 new surgical procedures.  Patients come to his Institute from all 50 states and from more than 90 countries over six continents.



the weather is still great, so i could take a picture with the moon and stars.
and the sky of sunset was so beautiful, look!!!!

i did the meditation for about 30 minutes today, and i saw my twinflame, we're doing something together like another ordinary day, but i can't remember it now, and then mother came to ask me some questions, so i woke up from meditating~
hahahah [哈哈]

yesterday when coming home from the clinic, i shared with mother what the Dr. told me, and also told her that i was gonna find some chicken hearts & livers to eat, because pigs' livers are with strong smell and it's kinda hard to take it, just i never saw chickens' heart/ liver at grocery stores, even not so easy to find pigs' livers either, and mother got me pig's heart & liver today, even cooked a half of pig's heart with herbs for me, so it's not easy to find chicken's heart/ liver.
then that's what you see, my dinner by pig's heart soup by mother, and i made myself noodles with spinach, plus two piece of radish rice cakes by mother, and i smelled the soup before i ate it, so i know it might be a little hard for me to take it, and that's why i ate it with wasabi [笑cry], but still hard because the smell kinda strong, just not sure the smell from the pig's heart or herbs or both [允悲], but i know i don't eat them for they're tasty, i eat them because my body might need something from them [笑cry], then i ate three orange, some peanuts, and three packs of cookies to get satisfied~

i had heart palpitations and premature heartbeat happened for times today, which made me feel even more tired, and tonight i become more weak, i am weak and short of breath now, and dizzy.
just remembered when i shared with Dr. that i had grey hairs and heart issues after the first time catching virus in 2022, but both symptoms become worse in recent months, and i guess i caught the virus the second time months ago, and then he told me i might have heart issues before catching the virus, which reminded me that i did have heart issues at least from junior high school, but i didn't confirm it to him because i got up too early to remember it [允悲], also he asked if i dyed my hair when checking my grey hairs, and i told him "no", my grey hairs mostly show up to my frontal angles, also lately my tongue was so dry, not mouth but tongue, and i mentioned it previously, remember? Dr. said it's also one of symptoms of deficiency of heart-blood.
just feel like to share something that i remembered.

so far?
then good night and love~


1279-1368 (made)
China (made)

The elegantly shaped stoneware bowl with a crackled greyish glaze was one of the V&A's early purchases of Chinese art. It was acquired through the good offices of Dr Stephen Wootton Bushell (1844-1908). Bushell was a physician by profession, but his 30-year- long residence in Beijing had made him a self-taught expert. He made several acquisitions on behalf of the V&A and in 1898 was commissioned by the Board of Education to write a comprehensive book on Chinese art, which has been reprinted several times.

The ceramics Bushell selected on behalf of the Museum included blue-and-white and colour-enamelled wares which were fashionable in the late 19th century. But he did not overlook the more subtle monochromes which were, a few decades later, much appreciated by collectors and connoisseurs.

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