我们这会很快就从旅馆回我妈那边了 等回去了再说吧~~ 实在是不能熬夜了 每天必须十点睡觉~~~ 啊啊啊啊、、、hello my beautiful amazing incredible boss and all the beautiful amazing incredible people on this ,,, so we are about to take off from the motel to go back to my mom’s place now ,,, and I need to sleep before 10:00 for my health so maybe I’ll get up early and update tmr ,,, okayyy talk soon when we get back ,,, love love love my beautiful incredible boss / bosses and love love love everyone

Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”☀️❤️(Matthew11:26,28-30 )#开启夏日滤镜#

Let's dissect your depression. Your depression may have two or more possibilities. Sometimes it's your real depression, but some other time maybe it's only your false sense.

Where does your depression come from? We need to, uh, clearly identify the real sources of depression. Sometimes it comes from maybe the real trouble, but most of the time the trouble is not trouble at all. It is a trivial thing compared with the whole safety and steadiness. Other time, it comes only from the derivatives of the trouble, such as stress, fatigue or the unnecessary sense of gain and loss.Or the discomfort of your body which originates from the mental stress. Or the helplessness while you undertake the whole mission. Or just the uncomfortable room you were in for quite a long time.

So I want to say, ah, your actual depression can be possibly subjective or objective, real or false. So I want to say that when we feel depressed, we don't necessarily need to feel so depressed. We need to calmly, analyze or judge it, throw away the derivatives of depression, and regain the peace of your mind. Take a walk outside. Do something else as a distraction. In a word, being able to digest your own discomfort, adjust your environment and mental state is very necessary surviving skill for today. After all, your stress or depression can have both psychological and physical reasons.

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