did not live there are so many problems! A few days ago, the second day of bathing clothes hung up and then took a bath did not change clothes, this time to find at home at noon is the point of fast food, yesterday at noon is still very good to eat, the afternoon categorization of the software, this time basically do not want to eat, preferably special loquat roasted pear (heat moisten lung) [large amount] and mineral water, peach dafu two nights point, A few days ago, the special handmade dumplings (steamed dumplings) and then returned the mineral water did not return, salty and ate black things, and otherwise the original soy milk set pot stickers 15 original soy milk 1 tea egg 1 with soy milk, uncomfortable uncomfortable!Know more than two years disappeared for a long time he actually online last night wechat what called so it and I do not have a dime relationship anyway did not meet, I just want to ask there is no I delete it!这几天一直打喷嚏,嗓子疼,终于写完了开始QQ微博什么的同步一下!

did not live there are so many problems! A few days ago, the second day of bathing clothes hung up and then took a bath did not change clothes, this time to find at home at noon is the point of fast food, yesterday at noon is still very good to eat, the afternoon categorization of the software, this time basically do not want to eat, preferably special loquat roasted pear (heat moisten lung) [large amount] and mineral water, peach dafu two nights point, A few days ago, the special handmade dumplings (steamed dumplings) and then returned the mineral water did not return, salty and ate black things, and otherwise the original soy milk set pot stickers 15 original soy milk 1 tea egg 1 with soy milk, uncomfortable uncomfortable!Know more than two years disappeared for a long time he actually online last night wechat what called so it and I do not have a dime relationship anyway did not meet, I just want to ask there is no I delete it!这几天一直打喷嚏,嗓子疼,终于写完了开始QQ微博什么的同步一下!

did not live there are so many problems! A few days ago, the second day of bathing clothes hung up and then took a bath did not change clothes, this time to find at home at noon is the point of fast food, yesterday at noon is still very good to eat, the afternoon categorization of the software, this time basically do not want to eat, preferably special loquat roasted pear (heat moisten lung) [large amount] and mineral water, peach dafu two nights point, A few days ago, the special handmade dumplings (steamed dumplings) and then returned the mineral water did not return, salty and ate black things, and otherwise the original soy milk set pot stickers 15 original soy milk 1 tea egg 1 with soy milk, uncomfortable uncomfortable!Know more than two years disappeared for a long time he actually online last night wechat what called so it and I do not have a dime relationship anyway did not meet, I just want to ask there is no I delete it!这几天一直打喷嚏,嗓子疼,终于写完了开始QQ微博什么的同步一下! https://t.cn/R2WxW8W

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