I had just moved to London with my manager. I remember being really stressed because I had no money and not a lot to look forward to. I’d always been lucky in my life with opportunity’s arising, but after a certain point when I hit 25 years old they stopped coming in. Reality set in and I wondered if I’d messed up my life. Each year that passed felt more like a repeat of the last one, monotonous and boring. I felt like the excitement of my old life was leaving… The excitement of not knowing the answers was replaced with knowing what was going to happen. I started losing that light in my soul. I caught a train up to this small town called Hitchin 1 hour north of London as I’d been writing songs and had a studio session that day. I went into the studio and my life completely changed. The song that came out was in a bizarre structure unlike anything I’d done before, I didn’t really understand chords or song structure that well back then and I’m glad I didn’t because what came out was very unique. “I watched my wild youth disappear infront of my eyes” I remember being so unsure of myself back when I wrote this. I knew deep down it hit some universal truth. I remember it was freezing as I jumped back on the train, I sat down and put my headphones in and listened back to my rough recording of the song. I messaged it to my brother and manager saying “I think I have something special here”. Waves was the first song that I released. I knew it had to be. To hear how many people have interpreted the meaning in their own way taught me so much and meant so much. Here it is, the song that gave me a life after i felt like i’d lost it

2024.2.26 星期一 天气  晴


2024/3/1/19:30 |GNZ48剧场公演(启程:TEAM G·第四十九场)
2024/3/8/19:30 丨GNZ48剧场公演(最佳拍档第四季单人赛道专场演出)
2024/3/10/14:00 |GNZ48剧场公演♒️♓(启程:TEAM G·第五十场)

There is a crack in everything,that's how the light gets in

Thanks David McWane from Big D and the Kids Table / Cuidado support & work with our new tracks “ScreamTo The World ” of The Noname Upcoming New Album!!!
we often talk about how we could help each others bands. and He always provides helpful suggestions and comes up with nice new ideas for the song lyrics.
Let's Scream To The World!✨
#thenoname #nonamepunks #chineserocks #chinapunk #punkrock #punk #rock #newalbum #screamtotheworld#

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  • !!
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