Happy lanterns festival - joyeuses fêtes des lanternes

The Lantern Festival (traditional Chinese: 元宵節; simplified Chinese: 元宵节; pinyin: Yuánxiāo jié), also called Shangyuan Festival (traditional Chinese: 上元節; simplified Chinese: 上元节; pinyin: Shàngyuán jié), is a Chinese traditional festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar Chinese calendar, during the full moon. Usually falling in February or early March on the Gregorian calendar, it marks the final day of the traditional Chinese New Year celebrations. As early as the Western Han dynasty (206 BC–AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance (Wikipedia sources)
La fête des lanternes (元宵节 yuánxiāojié), où la lumière est reine, clôt le cycle des festivités du Nouvel an en Chine. Fête nocturne, on la nomme d'ailleurs parfois « petit Nouvel an » (xiaonian 小年). La population (de nos jours, surtout les enfants accompagnés de leurs parents) sort pour une promenade à la nuit tombée, une lanterne à la main[
. Bien que les modèles traditionnels (huadeng 花灯) en papier illuminés à la bougie gardent leurs adeptes, on en trouve de plus en plus faites en plastique et équipées de piles. Les effigies des personnages de dessins animés préférés des jeunes font concurrence aux motifs traditionnels (animaux et plantes, scènes légendaires ou mythologiques).
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Rooms XII and XIII:Teaching and Popularizing Science

1.不详,This apparatus was described by Jean-Antoine Nollet in Leçons de physique expérimentale (Paris, 1743-1748) to introduce the study of levers.
2.不详,Simple but efficient version of a planetary model of the solar system conforming to Copernican theory.
3.不详,This instrument, which demonstrates the composition of forces and the principle of the parallelogram of forces, is nearly identical to the one illustrated by Willem Jacob 's Gravesande in Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata (3rd ed., Leiden, 1742).
4.by Johann Salomon Christian Schweigger, Hans Christian Oersted
5.不详,This model of a winch, a machine with a horizontal axle for lifting heavy weights, is of the type illustrated by Willem Jacob 's Gravesande in Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata (3rd ed., Leiden, 1742).
6.不详,The apparatus was illustrated by Jean-Antoine Nollet in Leçons de physique expérimentale (Paris, 1743-1748).
7.by Nairne & Blunt firm,It is designated in the old inventories as "astuccio di Nairne" [Nairne's kit].
8.不详,This rare and unusual mechanical apparatus illustrates the analogy between the human arm and a third-order lever: the fulcrum is the elbow, the effort is provided by the muscle attached to the forearm, and the load consists of a weight held in the hand.
9.不详,By projecting a light ray through the diaphragm onto the mirror, one could observe that the ray was reflected by an angle equal to the angle of incidence.
10.by Leopoldo Nobili,Four models of increasing complexity, made by Leopoldo Nobili (restored), visualizing Ampère's electrodynamic theory.
11.by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg,The experiment, invented in 1777 by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, demonstrates visually the opposite electrical charges of the two coatings of the Leyden jar.

巴菲特:We ma­de a si­z­a­b­le ac­q­u­i­s­i­t­i­on in 1991—the H. H. Br­o­wn Co­m­p­a­ny,the le­a­d­i­ng No­r­th Am­e­r­i­c­an ma­n­u­f­a­c­t­u­r­er of wo­rk sh­o­es and bo­o­ts, and it has a hi­s­t­o­ry of ea­r­n­i­ng un­u­s­u­a­l­ly fi­ne ma­r­g­i­ns on sa­l­es and as­s­e­ts.

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