Lost Girls (Jenny Hval & Håvard Volden) 发行新专辑 “Selvutsletter”

Lost Girls — 由挪威艺术流行歌手 Jenny Hval 和多乐器演奏家 Håvard Volden 成立的二人乐队 — 于今天推出他们的第二张录音室专辑 “Selvutsletter.” 新闻稿摘录如下:

Lost Girls — the collaborative project of Jenny Hval and Håvard Volden — have released their new album, Selvutsletter, out now on Smalltown Supersound. It marks the first new Lost Girls album since their acclaimed debut 2021 album, Menneskekollektivet, which was named one of the year’s best releases by Pitchfork, The FADER, Brooklyn Vegan, Paste, FLOOD, and more.

Where Menneskekollektivet was about exploring club beats and expanding and trying out structures, Selvutsletter is about disappearing in experiences. It combines the intuitive, late night feel of Lost Girls’ previous work with experimental rock music as its object. Like its predecessor, the album title is a made up Norwegian word, a word that almost exists. The band’s own translation of Selvutsletter is “self-effacer: Someone who tries to erase themselves. Someone who is cleaning out themselves. Performing exorcism. Or perhaps just getting older, less interested in their own present self.”

Following the hypnotic lead single “Ruins” — “a clanging and lovely piece of kinetic post-punk” (Exclaim!) — “With the Other Hand” surges with propulsive beats and shimmering guitars guided by Hval’s soaring vocals. Inspired by Leonard Cohen, “With the Other Hand” began with a guitar line written by Volden that was passed along to Hval who began rearranging the chords beyond recognition. “The result was a structure of ver*e and chorus, a pop song whispering about someone’s mysterious journey through a street, a building, and a stage,” the band says. “The chorus goes like this: ‘With the other hand I open rooms / With the first one I write,’ describing two parts of something – a creative process, or two parts of the unconscious. Or perhaps the two hands describe Lost Girls themselves. One opens rooms, the other writes.”

Lost Girls’ collaboration dates back more than a decade, with Volden playing regularly in Hval’s live band, as well as the duo’s acoustic collaborative album from 2012 (under the moniker Nude on Sand). In 2022, the duo were booked to perform a concert at Les Subsistances in Lyon, and they decided to use the opportunity to create all new material. Working in tandem, with Volden creating beats and wild sets of guitar chords and Hval restructuring the parts, creating melodies and word, and adding more sounds, they started spiraling into unchartered territory of shorter, more concise and melodic songs.

As the material for Selvutsletter developed, words already embedded in the chords, guitar sounds and rhythms began to dance around. Lyrics soon began to take shape, their subjects spanning cities after dark, music rituals, band practices of the ‘90s, and the early days of the internet. These were Hval’s own memories of her hometown and her obsession with creating music as a way of leaving it behind or even setting it on fire. Selvutsletter is, in that sense, about retracing Hval and Volden’s steps back to how it felt to discover music, the intensely physical and communal experience of creating something.

Spotify: https://t.cn/A6WGQEwq
Apple Music: ‎https://t.cn/A6WGQEwG
网易云音乐: https://t.cn/A6WGQEwb
QQ音乐: https://t.cn/A6WGQEw4

Henning Sommerro - Borders (24-44.1)

Henning Sommerro
01 Solkverv (Solstice): I. Skrida (Striding)
02 Solkverv (Solstice): II. Sæle (Bliss)
03 Solkverv (Solstice): III. Soli (The Sun)
Sigmund Groven, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Nick Davies
04 Vårfest (Ostara): I. R
05 Vårfest (Ostara): II. E
06 Vårfest (Ostara): III. B
Roar Engelberg, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Nick Davies
07 Grenser (Borders): I. Grenser (Borders)
08 Grenser (Borders): II. Sørgesang (Lament)
09 Grenser (Borders): III. Håp (Hope)
Marianne Thorsen, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Nick Davies

【珠光云 20230930063256】
Bjørn Håkon Granslo 于 2016 年 1 月 31 日拍摄@Risløkka,奥斯陆,挪威
使用的相机: 不可用 不可用
曝光时间: 不可用
光圈: 不可用
拍摄日期: 不可用
日落时分,人们看到了这些罕见的平流层云。图像数据:Canon EOS 100D,40-mm @ f/8,1/250 s,15h40m UT。
版权:Bjørn Håkon Granslo

发布时间:2023年09月30日06时33分22秒天文 超话

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