
"food or sex?" "food...sex...food..oh I wanna girl on the bread!"

"Joey never shares food!"
"She can order as much as she wants. But she can't just order a garden salad and then eat mine." 然后忍不住吃掉对方巧克力蛋糕
“Joe, it's a two-way street." 理直气壮"is it?"

"No. Too much is changing, okay?"
"But you were supportive just now."
"It comes and goes. I wouldn't trust it."


Joesephilosophy叫做 stay foolish, stay hungry, 然后再加一句:stay greedy.

Why in your opinion, everything I do is wrongEven if we are relatives, we still have to watch your face every day when we eat and live together. After finishing our meal, we wash our dishes, and in the morning, we cook noodles. If you are happy, you can say a few words to me. If you are not happy, you can keep criticizing me for cutting my hair and being so old-fashioned. Keep saying, is it the same as what you like and what I like? Do I have to live my life the way you like???Why don't I continue reading? Don't you have any points in your mind? The teacher sent me a message urging me to continue reading, but I lied to her that I stopped reading because I didn't have the energy to study. Do you really think I don't want to read. And every time my brother comes back, you cherish your son very much. Is it just because I am a daughter that I treat you differently? Saying not to prioritize men over women is all false. Do you really think I don't know anything. I really, really, really hate you now. I thought I was an optimistic girl, but later I realized that I wasn't as strong as I imagined. Small things would pile up into mountains, and even a drop of rain would turn into the ocean. If one day I choose to leave this painful world, I hope you don't regret everything you do


great weather that i wear short sleeves after getting up~

i planned to eat the sticky rice cake, but my stomach is still pretty unwell and eating it might make me feel worse, so i changed to the bread~

my tongue just so dry since i got up..
and i feel my body is.. weaird all over in the area between my skin and flesh?
like.. cold? but i am not feeling cold, and I've been feeling it since last midnight..

i bought a new mug, you may not be able to tell it from the picture? but it's lovely lilac color, light purple~
and bigger then previous one, so far i like it~

and since i went out, i saw signs from license plates, including "TY-7216" , "8323", "822", "522", "7175" & "7176", "6661" & "7666", "1110", "1151", "7272" & "727", "228", "1767", and "229" twice, and "229" for three times~

so far?
then good afternoon everyone~
계속 계속 좋은 오후 되세요 다들~

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