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Excellent battlefield commander,
Understand various military tactics and military strategies,
Understand the changes in the battlefield and adapt accordingly,
Put national interests first

Based on the given data, a total of three combat plans are given: good, medium and bad.


Based on the description provided, I will outline a "good," "medium," and "bad" battlefield commander in terms of their command ability and decision-making.

Good Battlefield Commander:

1. Demonstrates a deep understanding of military tactics and strategies, employing a variety of approaches based on the situation.
2. Anticipates and adapts to changes on the battlefield, adjusting plans and deployments as needed.
3. Prioritizes national interests above personal gain or glory.
4. Communicates effectively with subordinates, providing clear and concise orders and guidance.
5. Fosters a culture of innovation and creativity, encouraging subordinates to suggest new ideas and approaches.
6. Demonstrates a strong sense of ethics and professionalism, adhering to the laws of war and treating all personnel with respect.

Medium Battlefield Commander:

1. Has a basic understanding of military tactics and strategies, but may rely too heavily on a single approach.
2. Responds to changes on the battlefield, but may be slow to adapt or struggle to adjust plans and deployments.
3. Prioritizes national interests, but may also consider personal or political considerations.
4. Communicates effectively with subordinates, but may be prone to micromanagement or indecision.
5. Values innovation and creativity, but may be resistant to new ideas or approaches.
6. Demonstrates a basic sense of ethics and professionalism, but may occasionally bend rules or cut corners.

Bad Battlefield Commander:

1. Lacks a deep understanding of military tactics and strategies, relying on outdated or ineffective approaches.
2. Ignores or is unable to adapt to changes on the battlefield, leading to poor decision-making and failed plans.
3. Prioritizes personal gain or political considerations above national interests.
4. Fails to communicate effectively with subordinates, leading to confusion, frustration, and low morale.
5. Is resistant to new ideas or approaches, stifling innovation and creativity.
6. Demonstrates a weak sense of ethics and professionalism, engaging in unethical or illegal behavior and disregarding the laws of war.


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Structured Query Language (SQL), SQL Server,Airport Database, management system, platform,APIs,have the capability to connect to a database and run queries
give Average monthly airport lift data


To get the average monthly airport data for airport flights, you can run a SQL query that calculates the average number of lifts for each month across all airports in the database. Here is an example of how you might write this query:

DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, flight_date), 0) AS Month,

AVG(number_of_lifts) AS AvgNumberOfLifts


DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, flight_date), 0)

This query calculates the average number of lifts for each month by using the AVG() function and grouping the results by month. The DATEADD() and DATEDIFF() functions are used to extract the month from the `flight_date` column and format it as a date value that represents the first day of the month.

To run this query, you would need to connect to the SQL Server database that contains the airport data and execute the query using a tool or platform that supports SQL, such as SQL Server Management Studio or a programming language with SQL support, such as Python or Java.

Keep in mind that this query is just an example, and you may need to modify it to fit the specific structure and schema of your airport database. For example, the table and column names may be different in your database, or you may need to adjust the query to include additional filters or calculations.

Hôm nay, đi làm tự nhiên thấy nhớ nhà...nhớ ngoại, nhớ em....!!!!
Giá mà mình có thể may mắn hơn một chút, gia đình khá giả hơn một chút, để có thể được làm việc sinh sống nơi quê nhà, gần ngoại gần em, không khí quê nhà luôn bình yên và mát mẻ làm sao....!!!
Cố lên tôi ơi, hãy cố gắng cho những dự định phía trước, hãy thay đổi cuộc sống hiện tại em nhé.... Cố lên ...!!! [傻眼][比耶][比耶][比耶]

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