Ⅳ Rewrite each of the following sentences using the expressions given in the brackets.

1.“Can you come tomorrow for the meeting?”“Yes.”(all right)
“Can you come tomorrow for the meeting?”“All right.”

2. Two months later, the patient became better through his own efforts.(under one's own power)
Two months later, the patient became better under his own power.

3. John went on with his homework until it was done.(stay with)
John stayed with his homework until it was done.

4. They are going to marry next week; the splendid day is coming. (at hand)
They are going to marry next week; the splendid day is at hand.

5. It is important to avoid rush hours, because we can save a lot of precious time.(of importance)
It is of importance to avoid rush hours, because we can save a lot of precious time.

6. We are sure to come across difficulties when we try to finish the work in such a short time.(meet with)
We are sure to meet with difficulties when we try to finish the work in such a short time.

7. I was reading when the fire broke out. Oh, while I think of it, the book was The Last Days of Pompeii (《庞贝城的末日》).(by the way)
I was reading when the fire broke out. By the way, the book was The Last Days of Pompeii.

8. You ought to be more careful about the quality of these various goods.(pay attention to)
You ought to pay more attention to the quality of various goods.


Ⅴ Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets.

1. https://t.cn/RyhYY6Z

#HadleyFraser[超话]##hadley fraser#
p1 sheytoons提及
p2-p5 关于他老演酒鬼这件事…
p6-p17 一些可爱的跑火车和ramblings
p18 现在网站完全极简风而且已经好久没更新了,但是首页这几句简介也太哈德利了
This is Hadley Fraser
Well Done

#日常##鞠婧祎仙剑奇侠传四##美妆[超话]#Beauty is a matter of self-assessment and the following five characteristics are said to be common among beautiful women. Jujin Yi has proven herself with these features, which include: getting dense hair by limiting dyeing or perming her hair as well as avoiding bleaching it; using shampoo that produces lather before applying to the scalp in order to avoid baldness warnings! Always use conditioner and hair oil after washing your hair. Before bedtime, massage your head with an air cushion comb for at least fifteen times. Choose a suitable shampoo based on your own hair type so as to prevent damage done to your hair through excessive washing. Ensure you get enough sleep every night, maintain regular sleeping hours, improve quality of sleep and promote metabolism within skin and hair. Wash your hair with warm water instead of hot since high temperature can destroy sebum while warm water helps blood circulation.”

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