

内容是“怎么育儿” 很认真地唧唧歪歪


see you


“爱生活”的我今天又上菜啦、、、今天做的是鸡肉黑莓核桃沙拉、、哈哈哈 挺好吃的 我刚吃完、、上次三文鱼配的是草莓、、、牛排配的是、、鸡肉这次配的是黑莓、、我觉得最好吃的是、、、、(打鼓声)、、、~~~ 牛排配葡萄最好吃 绝了 哈哈哈哈哈、、、不过都挺好吃的、、、刚才写一半✍狗跑出去了、、、刚追回来 又遛了一下狗~~ 现在休息一下啦 从早起到现在还没停一下呢、、、待会再继续更新吧~~ 更新一下“爱生活”的我 也爱易咪咪 爱大家咪哦~~ 祝大家大年初八吃好喝好

Hello my beautiful amazing incredible boss / bosses and all the beautiful amazing incredible proof on this ,,,, so Newbie just got out again and I just chased him back and also walked him in the midst of writing this post and I also made this chicken blackberry walnut salad today and it’s pretty good ,,, finally back to making American food ,,, last time it was steak and grapes ,,,, the time before that was salmon and strawberry and this time it’s chicken with blackberry ,,,, and my favorite one is *drumroll* please ,,,,, steak and grape wins !!! Taste really goood the steak and grape combo ,,,, all these recipes call for balsamic vinegar cause I bought it for a dish last time and I want to finish using the whole bottle so I’d looked up recipes using balsamic vinegar and all these fruity meat dishes came up and tasted pretty good ,,,, also using a New York theme song cause people were posting NYFW so I had to show my loveeeee ,,,, but yahhhh back from the psychiatrist today and said I could decrease on medication ,,, also ordered a lab work for me next week so I have to get blood and urine tested next week ,,, so still more work to be done ,,, but yahh it went pretty well today and I came back ,,, made the dish ,,,, also walked the dog ,,,, guess I’m going to take a mini break and check on some news cause I’ve been up since 5 and now it’s 12 hours later and I didn’t rest yet and prolly need some rest right now ,,, so I’m going to ,,,, but I’m excited to see all of you ,,, hope y’all are happy I made the dish for you guys today cause last week it was all Chinese ,,, next week I might go Korean or American will see lolll ,,, if I still don’t get to repost Korean then I might be making a Korean dish ,,, if I got to repost Korean and not as much American of course I’d keep making American dishes ,,, Chinese dishes are done for a while since I just made a bunch for the Chinese new year so we are doing American and Korean now ,,, anyways any suggestions or questions you might have for me ?!?? I’ll try my best to get to them okayyyy hope everybody is having a great Friday I love love love you all so so much heart heart heart all my loves heart heart heart I love you all love love love my amazing incredible boss / bosses and love love everyone heart heart heart

我妈现在要把手机拿走了 又没法检查上传了、、okayyy my mom’s about to take her phone with her now so I can’t check on my uploads again and I will do the work that requires no checking such as checking on the news and gathering photos for my design sets and getting my content for later ready ,,, but yahhh definitely need to get funded so I can have my equipment all ready ,,, ohhh nice I saw Mr. Gates already niceeeee !!!! So sweet seeing all my bosses make me really happy ,,, okayyy I’m going to give back my mom her phone like now so she can go to the supermarket with it ,,, so I’ll see y’all in a little bit ,,, I still have about 16 sets from Mr. Musk alone and more from PayPal too cause I spot Mr. Musk posting how nice !!!! Love love love Mr. Musk and PayPal and all my bosses and their companies and everyone and their work !!!!

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