标题: 在众人追捧的高端社区,4卧房2.5卫浴体,验宁静奢华
地址: 2281 270th Ct SE, Sammamish, WA 98075
价钱: $1,900,000 美元 (至5月31日有效)

2月18日(星期日,美国西岸时间)早上 11点至下午4点,开放参观,欢迎光临!

在众人追捧的 Trossachs社区,体验无与伦比的奢华,这个精致的家等待着您的光临。
设计时考虑到形式和功能,这个住所是舒适和奢华的象征。走出家门,您会发现一个设施丰富的社区 - 公园、小径和优异的学校都近在咫尺。在这里生活意味着拥抱一种自然之美与现代便利相结合的生活方式,确保每一天都像上一天一样充实。这个家完美融合了优雅与实用,它不仅是一个住所,更是通往幸福与满足生活的门户。

建筑时间: 1998
楼层总数: 2
卧室数: 4
洗漱间: 2.5
地产类型: 独栋别墅
场外交易或非上市的: No
占地面积: 0.24 英亩
停车位: 3
房屋面积(平方英尺): 3,281
房屋面积(平方米): 304

经纪人电话: +1 (206) 229-5515
地产经纪人名字: Ed Laine
公司名称: The Ed Laine Team, brokered by eXp Realty, LLC


水泥无国际 改变修辞
作品名:《Homage to Tarkovsky》/《向塔可夫斯基致敬》Work Introduce: The piece was inspired by the final candle scene in Andre Tarkovsky's 1983 film "Nostalghia", a surreal and haunting film that has stayed with me since the time I first watched it. It was the first tarkovsky film I ever watched. This performance started with a live transcription technique to communicate and interact with the audience. Later, the performance unfolded into an outdoor barefoot walk on construction rubbles, walking a small candle on loop around the building. 作品介绍:这件作品的灵感来自于安德烈·塔可夫斯基 1983 年的电影《乡愁》中最后的蜡烛场景,这是一部超现实且令人难以忘怀的电影,自从我第一次观看它以来,它就一直萦绕在我的心头。这是我看过的第一部塔可夫斯基电影。‍‍‍‍‍这场表演以现场转录技术开始,与观众进行交流和互动。随后,表演变成了户外赤脚行走在建筑瓦砾上,在建筑物周围绕着小蜡烛行走。



Happy 27th Birthday to SEVENTEEN's handsome and extremely talented Singer, composer & song-writer DK!
DK became famous as the Main Vocalist of the hugely popular top-selling K-Pop Group SEVENTEEN! He sure knows how to sing and is also a great entertainer. DK is also part of SEVENTEEN's very successful sub unit BSS which includes Seungkwan & Hoshi, and was formed in 2018. The group released their 1st single album 'Second Wind' in February, 2023 which also includes the songs "Lunch" and "7PM". On the first day of its release, 'Second Wind' sold over 478,000 copies, breaking the first-week sales record for an album released by a K-pop band sub-unit. By the end of the first week, the album sold a record 610,189 copies in total and topped the Circle Albums chart! BSS received their first music show win on MBC M's Show Champion with "Fighting", followed by wins on M Countdown, Music Bank, Show! Music Core and Inkigayo. The group won the Grand Prize (Daesang) at the 2023 Asia Artist Awards! DK is also a successful soloist and released his first ever solo song ‘You’re My Christmas’ in December 2021. The digital single was written and composed by DK himself, with SEVENTEEN collaborators Jozu and Lee Beom-hoon of PRISMFILTER.

DK is SEVENTEENS Happy virus and the funniest member of SEVENTEEN. He's also the new brand ambassador for Bally. Known for his sartorial flair, he will be the face of Bally's spring-summer 2024 campaign. He will also participate in global brand activations.

mini11拆卡补邮:https://t.cn/A6leHGIU ​​​

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