Husband drew three cats.At first he showed me cookies
I was amazed that it was super-like!then
He showed me the other two!What the fuckI have never raised drugs to the tip of my cheeks
Going to the construction site to move bricks and squeezed into polygons
I don't know what the hell!It seems that Su's family is hand-cuffed!I really want to take pictures of them
Someone will help them paint well!Tears

FuckI have been stunned
okayIs Ou Shu 1 used for such severe acne5Is the diva getting betterHow much money can't be exchangedYour skin is not good and people will be willing to find a girlfriendIf you have a bad skin and go to an interview
people will look at you straightof course notNow you still think 128Is it expensiveInvest in yourself 12?FuckI have been stunned
okayIs Ou Shu 1 used for such severe acne5Is the diva getting betterHow much money can't be exchangedYour skin is not good and people would be willing to find a girlfriendIf you have a bad skin and go to an interview
people will look at you straightof course notNow you still think 128Is it expensiveInvest in yourself 128In exchange for a lifetime of happinessI'm not short of big goods
you are missing 128

在一眨眼的功夫,我已经有自己的幼崽了?问我感觉如何事实上。而且感觉并不多。除了整个怀孕期间头晕和晨吐,在孕中期, I can eat, sleep, and jump (if it wasn't for the monthly pregnancy check-up, I would have forgotten that there is a person in my stomach). In the second trimester, I did not feel the symptoms of pubic pain, back pain, insomnia, and stretch marks.It is more gratifying that the weight gain is within the expected range, haha?In the blink of an eye,I already have my own cub~ Ask me how I feel?in fact.And it doesn't feel much.Except for dizziness and morning sickness during the entire pregnancy,In the second trimester, I can eat, sleep, and jump (if it wasn't for the monthly pregnancy check-up, I would have forgotten that there is a person in my stomach). In the second trimester, I did not feel the symptoms of pubic pain, back pain, insomnia, and stretch marks.It is more gratifying that the weight gain is within the expected range haha. As for the baby, I have not yet become a fat man.The most annoying thing to hear in the second trimester of pregnancy is,You have to exercise and move around and go for a walk after eating.This is good for production (I want to curse when I hear this.Whether or not the fucking child can have a smooth delivery depends on the individual's physique, okay) 5.23 Amniotic fluid broke in the early morning,After rushing to the hospital, he was taken for an examination.After half an hour, I went to the delivery room.(FuckI haven't felt the pain of giving birth so soon) The pain of contractions in the delivery room is coming. (刚才的想法真的是一巴掌)真是太痛苦了。我想不出什么话来形容这种痛苦。没有言语可以描述生孩子的痛苦。在我流泪的声音下,婴儿出生了八个多小时。但是我不觉得一切都值得看到孩子。想你真是可恶。交货速度很快,也许我的天使宝宝不希望他的母亲遭受19天的分娩,天使宝贝在我旁边睡得香甜。

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