#周深[超话]##年味仪式感大赛# 一张图晒出我家的年夜饭:#周深去年小兔子今年小龙人##为龙年添个新装扮#
Chúc mừng năm mới!Happy Lunar New year!新年快乐!
Nhân ngày 30 tháng Chạp âm lịch năm Quý Mão 2023,chúc Châu Thâm và toàn thể Sinh Mễ và Hải Mễ giống mình có một năm mới tràn đầy năng lượng,mọi việc như ý,sớm đạt được ước nguyện,chuyện dữ hoá lành,vạn sự may mắn nha!!!
Mình tin là chúng mình sẽ đạt được những ước nguyện của mình sớm thôi!!
Năm Giáp Thìn2024 này chúng ta nhất định sẽ ngày ngày càng tốt hơn!!!!!!
Năm nay chúng ta cùng đón Giao Thừa vui vẻ với Sân Sân nào.Đoán xem Sân Sân là những nhân vật trong bức ảnh ngày Tết Đoàn Viên nào >_<
P/s:Tui là Táo 米米‍đây thay mặt đại gia đình Sinh Mễ của bảo bối Sân Sân️ tui phải thưa với Ngọc Hoàng ban tặng cho Châu Thâm danh hiệu"Người tốt- Việc tốt"vì Sân Sân chính là một anh ong vàng chăm chỉ mà!!!。
Hanzii Dict trans:值此农历十二月三十,猫年(越南)2023,祝周深和大家生米和海米(和我一样):充满活力的新一年,一切都如期而至,很快你的愿望就会实现,坏事变好事,祝大家好运!!!
在这个龙年2024,我们一定会越来越好! ! ! ! ! ! !今年,让我们一起快乐地过年吧一起深深宝贝。猜猜看我的“团圆日”照片里有哪些人物??>_<
P/s:我是米米我是灶神!!越南:灶神回天后会向玉皇大帝讲述人间各家各户的生意和姿态,所以我很想和玉帝谈谈皇帝关于周深代表生米大家族:他是一个“好人-好行”,因为他是一只勤劳的金蜂 !!

December 30th 2023 year of the Water Cat on the lunar calendar in Vietnam,I wish Zhou Shen,Sheng Mi and Ocean Mi like me have a good new year and all our best wishes.I hope we have a new year with more energy, everything to your plans.
I believe we will early our wishes fulfilled!!!
2024 year of the Wood Dragonon the lunnar calendar in Vietnam and East Asian cultural region countries.We will better and better!!!!!
This year we will celebrate New Year's Eve with Shen Shen happily together !!!
P/s:I'm a 米米 and I'm a Kitchen Gods!!In Vietnam: The Kitchen Gods who return to heaven will tell the Jade Emperor about the business and gestures of each family on earth.So I really want to talk with the Jade Emperor about Zhou Shen on behalf of Sheng Mi's big family:He is a "Good person -Good deeds" because he is a hard-working golden bee!!

Puy du Fou Asia wishes you a joyful and prosperous upcoming Lunar New Year of the Dragon in 2024!
May you leap forward with the dragon, enjoy happiness and harmony with your family, and wish you all the best!

图八有点像董宇辉朗诵的《暗淡蓝点》哈、、真好 现在已经本地九点半了 也就是中国时间夜里一点半了 我妈待会也要去买菜了 那我就等她回来了 也就是中国的早上时间再继续了 不然我没法查上传 我和董宇辉交流的是长文内容 哈哈哈哈哈 所以过年有很多中文内容了 先给本地补一补 爱妈妈咪 龙年快乐 也给妈妈咪准备了 然后春晚我也会在线转发的 和往年一样 一起庆祝 好的 那就这样吧 大家先说晚安啦 爱易咪咪 爱二老公 爱香菜 艾路威 爱艾路威 香菜 爱大家咪 爱韩国咪 爱每一位咪 大爱董宇辉咪~~ 晚点继续交流~~ 我会长篇交流写的 也和张导 俞总 所有导演们 华仔 菜磊先生都问好 大家新年快乐 龙年大吉 也祝菜磊先生身体健康~~ 妈妈咪问候 老师咪问候 老总咪问候~~ 祝大家龙年好~~ 给大家拜年了 晚点我们再继续中文长文交流

Okayyyy guyssss now that is local time day time and the Chinese have go to sleep and my mom is actually going to the Chinese market to get some groceries for the new years in like an hour so she’s going to take her phone with her meaning I can’t check on my work until she comes back ,,, so I’m going to check on the news with my phone ,,, rest ,,, and walk the dog until she comes back then finish the rest of the care like I have mentioned yesterday that’s undone with Michael my biggest Chinese TikTok sales ,,, his English recital is pretty good right ?!?? His Chinese even better of course,,, Telling you people are all so talented on this like all of you ,,, you each have your own special craft and gift and everyone is phenomenal amazing unique in your own way and I love love love everyone on this ,,, I will prolly repost more of you before I start the Chinese care for that incident which the translators will help me with ,,, but it is for my sales on Chinese TikTok but yahhh I hope maybe I can sell on Amazon later too to make the business global ,,, for my product that is supposed to help more people which I will introduce today what I’ve sold for 5 years and present to you all my loves on the product I might try to sell omogshhh I don’t want to give it away too much yet cause Michael can read English loll it’s supposed to be a surprise for all my viewers but you guys get the leak first lol lol,,,, I’m putting here some blue cosmic designs / kinda like the pale blue dot for pic 8 huh ?!?? my blue designs on Chinese new year to show y’all my loves and to take care of all my loves on this ,,, So I will check on the news and try to document what I’m going to be reposting today will still repost a few before I get to the Chinese program and I need to wake up early tmr again for the Chinese new year festival show livestream which is around 4AM our time so I need to go to sleep really early today and I’ll make sure ,,,, yahhh so thanks for celebrating and spending Chinese new years with me all my loves ,,,, I hope we can always double the love the joy every year ,,, let the Chinese celebrate Christmas thanksgiving and holloweeen with us ,,, and we can celebrate the Chinese new year together too ,,,, so yahhhh Chinese new
Year’s eve today so will be celebrating starting today ,,, okayyy I’m off until my mom comes back then ,,; going to rest more check on the news and walk the dog and be on a lil later with more repost from you and the Chinese care / Chinese new year programs etc lol lol ,,, so yahhh very busy but we will celebrate together so everybody can enjoy ,,, no one is ever left behind on this I just hope my health can get better and better so I have to prioritize too !!! Okayyy anyways so I’ll see you guys soon ,,,, will be checking the news and reposting a lil bit after my mom comes back with her phone so yahhh need to get funded so I can upgrade my gadgets okayy all my lovesss I’ll talk to y’all and see y’all soon again love love love everyone Happy Lunar New Year,,, (eve) happy year of the Gragon ☁️☁️☁️ hope y’all enjoy the holidays with me love love love everyone see y’all in a lil bit cosmic lovessss ,,, love love love my terrific fantastic boss / bosses and love love love everyone

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