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图cr 官旗

#芙瑟[超话]# Today, after work late, it's time to watch PuPu and Yase perform on MangoTV.
In my heart, there are many emotions, mixed with joy and sorrow, happy that Pupu joined the group, sad that Yase couldn't form a group with Pupu. Watching the performance of my two sisters, I burst into tears, no wonder the billions of billions who watched it at the scene told me but I cried and let alone the sisters were even more emotional. Love does not discriminate against age, gender, language and appearance, right? I want to say that :
-I will always support the two sisters, just hope that in the road ahead, the two of you will always have each other, reunite in a certain project, share about daily life together.
-Even though the work is messy, the language is limited, the place is far from the mountains and thousands of rivers, they always have each other in their hearts, they are each other's special people, the time together is the most beautiful time, the summer of 2023 is the most beautiful summer, this summer let me know Luu Nha Sat, let me know about Chipu, overcoming the concubines, criticisms to succeed, admiring her efforts, and admiring her enthusiasm. If she has a lot of activities there, I hope she will try to achieve many achievements and bring back sweet fruits and Yase too, hope both of them will be successful in work and life! Love ChiFe boat ❤️

Hôm nay tan làm muộn, giờ mới có thời gian xem PuPu và Yase biểu diễn trên MangoTV .
Trong lòng tôi có rất nhiều cảm xúc, vui buồn đan xen, vui vì Pupu thành đoàn, buồn vì Yase không được thành đoàn cùng Pupu. Xem trình diễn của 2 chị tôi đã bật khóc, bảo sao các tỷ tỷ xem tại hiện trường kể lại thôi mà tôi đã khóc rồi nói chi đến các chị ấy còn xúc động hơn. Tình yêu thì đâu phân biệt tuổi tác, giới tính, ngôn ngữ và ngoại hình đâu đúng không? Tôi muốn nói rằng :
-Em sẽ luôn luôn ủng hộ hai chị, chỉ mong rằng trong đoạn đường phía trước hai chị luôn có nhau, cùng nhau tái hợp trong một dự án nào đó, cùng nhau chia sẻ về cuộc sống hàng ngày.
-Công việc dù có bộn bề, ngôn ngữ dù có hạn chế, địa điểm dù có cách núi ngàn sông thì ở trong tim luôn có nhau, đều là người đặc biệt của nhau, thời gian bên nhau là thời gian đẹp nhất, mùa hè năm 2023 là mùa hè đẹp nhất, mùa hè này cho tôi biết đến Lưu Nhã Sắt, cho tôi biết đến Chipu vượt qua những thị phi, những lời chỉ trích để thành công như hôm nay, tôi rất khâm phục và ngưỡng mộ sự chăm chỉ, nhiệt huyết, nỗ lực của cô ấy. Nếu cô ấy có nhiều hoạt động bên đó thì mong rằng cô ấy sẽ cố gắng đạt nhiều thành tựu, đem về quả ngọt và Yase cũng vậy, mong cả hai sẽ thành công trong công việc và cuộc sống! Yêu thương thuyền ChiFe ❤️

◊ Toyota x Le Mans

I’ve posted recently about the Nissan’s effort at the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans throughout the glorious days from the 80s and 90s. Now, it’s your turn, Toyota. How legendary you are ❤️

From the left to the right:
- Toyota-DOME 85C-L
- Toyota 89C-V
- Toyota TS010 (CASIO)
- Toyota TS010 (Nippon Denso)
- Toyota GT-One TS020 ‘98
- Toyota GT-One TS020 ‘99
- Toyota TS030 HYBRID
- Toyota TS050 HYBRID
- Toyota GR010 HYBRID

The journey for Toyota at Le Mans starts almost in an identical way to their home country rivals Nissan, exact at the dawn of Grupo C era in the mid 80s. Just like Nissan, Toyota started the Gr.C competition in national territory before the full send at the classic 24-hour race. The very first Toyota’s C car to do so was the 85C-L, powered by the 503E (3S-GT), a 2.1L inline-4 single turbocharged engine that went to power some of the most iconic other Toyota race cars in near future.

In 1988, the first V8-powered prototype by Toyota since the Toyota 7 in early 70s debuted in Japan for JSPC and WSC: the 88C-V. That car, despite being not a Le Mans entry at the time, originated the first of the V8s to roar through Le Mans in 1989: the 89C-V, a total evolution of the 88C-V, with a much longer rear-end. Similar to the Nissan’s R89C, the 88C-V then originated all the following V8-powered Group C cars by Toyota (89/90/91/92/93/94C-V). Almost all of these iterations went to Le Mans at the time.

For the new 3.5L NA rules, the TS010 was born and it was the first Toyota race car to finish 2nd overall at Le Mans (the start of the curse…). With the Group C formula collapsed, Toyota was seen at Le Mans in GT1 class with two distinctive models, the Supra LM and SARD MC8-R. These cars were succeeded by the most famous Toyota’s endurance racer: the GT-One, seen in two occasions (1998 and 1999).

The GT-One was for a long time the very last truly sports prototype by Toyota, until their complete return in 2012 for the FIA WEC and subsequently Le Mans, with a new gen of Hybrid LMP1 cars until the current Hypercar gen. As of 2023, Toyota is a 5x winner at Le Mans, winning all the races from 2018 until 2022.

Ins: japaneseracingcars
#toyota##le mans##丰田##勒芒##经典##勒芒24小时耐力赛#

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