【WINIL Daily】苋科 澳地肤属 毛枝澳地肤 Maireana erioclada澳大利亚

Maireana erioclada is a perennial(多年生的), bushy(丛生的/树木茂盛的) glaucous(蓝绿色的) shrub that can grow between 60 cm and 1 m tall. Its leaves are narrow-obovoid(窄倒卵形) to clavate (club-shaped), glabrous and apex rounded which can produce pink or reddish(带红色的) tips over time. Flowers are bisexual(两性的), solitary(单生的) and grow in the angles between the stem and the leaves. It fruits between August and November, producing bright pink or red fruiting bodies that mature to a dull(暗淡) brown. The fruiting bodies are flower-like and consist of a flat, horizontal(水平的) ‘wing’ approximately(大约) 12 mm in diameter above a narrow funnel(漏斗/烟囱)-shaped tube.

Maireana erioclada is native to Western Australia(澳大利亚 ), South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria, in the semi-arid interior(内陆/内部) of Australia. The grows in red-brown soils and on sandy loams on flat ground or in subsaline(稍碱的) depressions(坑/沮丧/萧条).

The genus Maireana are collectively(集体的/共同的) known as bluebushes and form an important part many native plant communities in mainland Australia. Many bluebush species grow concurrently together as part of larger communities primarily in the drier, arid climates of Australia, including very low woodlands, open shrublands and open mallee(小桉树)/low woodland. M. erioclada has also been observed  to grow among sand dune(沙丘)units, sandy flats in dune swales(沼泽地) and along the edges of saltpans(盐地).

Despite being well-distributed throughout(遍及) the semi-arid environment, including in pastoral(乡村的/畜牧的) properties(院落/财产), little is known of the uses of M. erioclada. There are no known records of traditional uses of the species by Aboriginal(土著) people, and it is not known if the species if grazed(吃草/放牧) by stock. Research suggests that, given more investigation, there may be potential for Maireana species to be used for fodder(饲料/素材) in salt-affected areas in southern and eastern Australia.

China has executed a couple for throwing two toddlers out of a high-rise apartment window, in a case that provoked nationwide outrage.
The man and his girlfriend were found guilty of killing the children from his first marriage by staging an accidental fall from a residential tower in the southwestern metropolis of Chongqing, so that they could start a new family.


2024年1月30日,USNews报道:消息人士称,波音公司的新 100 英里炸弹已准备就绪交付二毛
Ukraine's New 100-Mile Bomb From Boeing Is Ready, Sources Say

二毛需要波音公司的地面发射小直径炸弹 GLSDB,来弥补鹰酱发射的有限数量的100 英里射程陆军战术导弹系统 ATACMS火箭的不足。
Ukraine needs Boeing's Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB) to augment the limited number of 100-mile range Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets the U.S. has sent.

The glide-bomb will allow Ukraine's military to hit targets at twice the distance reachable by the rockets it now fires from the U.S.-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) and could force Russia to move supplies even farther from the front lines.

Tests of newly built GLSDB occurred on Jan. 16 at the Eglin Air Force Base test range in Florida, a person familiar with the test and two people briefed told Reuters, enabling shipments to begin. The people briefed on the test said six rockets were fired as a part of the early morning test over the Gulf of Mexico.

对于白等政府来说,将 GLSDB 发送到二毛的决定,代表了一种替代的 ATACMS 导弹,到目前为止,政府只提供了少量导弹而且二毛的ATACMS供应已因使用而耗尽。
For the Biden administration, the decision to send the GLSDB to Ukraine represents an alternative ATACMS missile, which the administration has so far provided in only small numbers.Ukraine's supply of ATACMS has been depleted by use.

The new glide bombs, while not as powerful, are much cheaper, smaller and easier to deploy than ATACMS, making them well suited for much of what Ukraine hopes to accomplish: disrupting Russian operations and creating a tactical advantage.

鹰酱官员告诉路透社,五角大楼公开表示,资金已经于(2023年)2月获得批准,次月签署了开始生产的合同。由于 GLSDB 已经支付了费用,因此该武器可以避免最近国会关于继续向二毛运送武器的资金纠纷。
The Pentagon said publicly that funding was approved in February, a contract to begin production was inked the following month, U.S. officials have told Reuters. Because GLSDB has already been paid for, the weapon can avoid the recent Congressional funding dispute over continued weapons shipments to Ukraine.

Boeing, the prime contractor for the weapon, did not respond to a request for comment.

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