#迪士尼扭曲仙境[超话]# 出出色纸 明信片 塔罗 万代扭蛋吧唧 式典服 黑边扭蛋 实验服 式典服 运动服 寮服
色纸均8r 明信片均1r 塔罗均3r 吧唧均10r

tag:迪士尼扭曲仙境 红心寮 狮寮 海寮 沙寮 冥寮 白雪寮 龙寮 Riddle Ace Duece Cater Trey Azul Jade Floyd leona jack ruggie kalim jamil idia ortho vil epel rook malleus lilia Silver sebek

昨天从6点一直吃到10:00餐馆打烊,几个人喝了不知道多少啤酒,又开了两瓶红酒,直喝到Craig开始讲起荤笑话,S直接捂住我的耳朵,Liz无奈的直摇头,Katrina也尴尬的借口离席了,最后几个人全喝high了东倒西歪开始出格,我连忙叫停几个女生直接散场各回各家。结果这几个人跑到pub 喝起了第二轮,今天早上8:30的meeting全体迟到,S眼睛都要睁不开了一大早叫我给他买眼药水[哼],一群叛逆的问题老儿童[融化]。今天Liz成了cater我只能偷偷跑去买了她最喜欢的cupcake来弥补一下 https://t.cn/Rh1ArRZ





AIIB introduced a Legal Associate Program (LAP) with the objective of forming, in house, young lawyers to cater to the Bank’s legal needs both for private and public sector operations. It is a rotational program which identifies, hires, grows and develops young talents of the highest caliber and with the passion for international development.
The LAP will start with a two-year contract based in Beijing within the Legal Department (LEG), where the Legal Associates (LAs) engage in intensive training (on-the-job and in-classroom settings) on the fundamentals of lawyering at AIIB on development operations.

LAs will contribute to the work program of LEG’s different units while building networks and knowledge across AIIB. They may also join field missions where needed to assist senior lawyers on the frontlines of AIIB operations, learning key aspects of the Bank’s legal operational work, including engagement with AIIB clients.

LAs will receive intensive training on the policies, products and operations of AIIB to ensure they know how to operationalize AIIB solutions to operational challenges, mitigate legal risks in AIIB-financed operations and assist internal clients in preparing quality projects. LAs will also be given the opportunity to attend selected training programs on operational themes organized by the Human Resources Department.
Selection Criteria and Eligibility

The program will target highly talented and promising candidates. Selection will be conducted on as wide a geographical basis as possible. To be eligible for the LAP, the candidates must:
Have an advanced law degree (Master’s/LLM/JD) from a recognized educational institution.
Have a minimum of two years of full-time, relevant legal professional experience.
Be admitted to practice law in at least one jurisdiction.
Be fluent in English.
Have passion for development and commitment to AIIB’s mission.

In addition to the selection criteria, the LA must:
Exhibit sufficient professional independence and maturity as well as discretion and sensitivity required for operating in a multicultural setting.
Demonstrate strong legal knowledge to support drafting legal documents with limited supervision.
Be able to identify and critically analyze legal issues and provide solutions.
Be able to work in teams.
Possess strong communication skills and the ability to present information in a clear and concise manner.

Selection Timeline:
AIIB is committed to diversity, transparency and inclusion. We believe our strength comes from having a team with the right diverse skills, experiences and abilities selected through a merit-based competitive process. We actively encourage applications from people from both within and outside AIIB members, regardless of nationality, religion, gender, race, disability or sexual orientation.
Join AIIB’s mission to finance Infrastructure for Tomorrow, promote sustainable infrastructure investments and improve social and economic outcomes in Asia and beyond.


联系信息:exbigfour2014(如果之前加过Pro Max或plus,就不用再加啦)

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