About China General Technology Group International Holdings Limited

China General Technology Group International Holdings Limited is the global engineering services platform of China General Technology (Group) Holding Co., Ltd. With a registered capital of RMB 10 billion, it owns over 60 overseas institutions and more than 100 domestic institutions. Its member companies include Zhongji Company, Zhongji Machinery Company, Consulting Company, Energy Company, Vehicle Company, Daqian Company, Rail Company, and Zhongji Tendering, among others.

Liepin: Job Responsibilities for the General Manager of Investment and Financing Consulting Department

China General Technology Group International Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as "International Company") is an integrated operation and management platform for the engineering services business of China General Technology (Group) Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China General Technology Group"), with a registered capital of RMB 10 billion. It includes more than 60 overseas institutions and over 100 domestic institutions, owning multiple member companies such as Zhongji Company, Zhongji Machinery Company, Consulting Company, Energy Company, Vehicle Company, Daqian Company, Rail Company, and Zhongji Tendering.

Job Responsibilities for the General Manager of Investment and Financing Consulting Department

1. Responsible for the comprehensive work of the Investment and Financing Consulting Department. Provide professional support for industrial parks in terms of construction project financing, capital introduction for investment attraction, financing and mergers & acquisitions, and IPO services, in line with the company's strategic development planning.

2. Assist clients in completing high-value-added core investment and financing businesses such as capital strategy management, state-owned platform asset restructuring, effective debt management, and enhancing the investment and financing capabilities

for Mitsubishi fuso fighter F380 black grille upper and lower
Danyang New Thinking Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
This factory produces Japanese truck body parts for hino isuzu mitsubishi fuso and nissan
Our products are exported to more than 160 countries around the world
Because the products are of good quality and competitive prices, they are deeply loved by people all over the world.
Our opening hours are 7:30am-5pm
Our official website is:https:// www.newthinkingautoparts.com
Our 1688 purchasing platform is: https://t.cn/A6jSeaOL
Our Alibaba international wholesale platform is: https://t.cn/A6jSeaOy
Our WeChat is: 008619536693969

Our whatsapp is: 008619536693969

Our LINE ID is: 6155279
Or: https://t.cn/A6jSeaOZ
Our zalo is: 008619536693969
Our telegram group is: https://t.cn/A6jSeaO2
#isuzu #fuso #mitsubishi #hino

for Mitsubishi fuso fighter F380 chrome grille upper and lower
Danyang New Thinking Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
This factory produces Japanese truck body parts for hino isuzu mitsubishi fuso and nissan
Our products are exported to more than 160 countries around the world
Because the products are of good quality and competitive prices, they are deeply loved by people all over the world.
Our opening hours are 7:30am-5pm
Our official website is:https:// www.newthinkingautoparts.com
Our 1688 purchasing platform is: https://t.cn/A6jSeaOL
Our Alibaba international wholesale platform is: https://t.cn/A6jSeaOy
Our WeChat is: 008619536693969

Our whatsapp is: 008619536693969

Our LINE ID is: 6155279
Or: https://t.cn/A6jSeaOZ
Our zalo is: 008619536693969
Our telegram group is: https://t.cn/A6jSeaO2
#isuzu #fuso #mitsubishi #hino

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