Citi forecast oil price down to $74 for 2024. It has been revised $1 down due to expectation of excess supply.

Murray, a Canadian, becomes bp CEO after 4 months searching by Helge the president. no one cares about Looney anymore, the world keep going anyway. Media reaction is modest about Murray's on board, include Guardian, FT ect. Funny, he tought people to pronunce his surname publicly, unlike first time being group CFO, in one townhall event, when staff ask how to pronounce his surname, he said you can call me jerk...

a Scottish couple drove Nissan EV and crossed magnetic North Pole and South Pole, a journey upto total 27,000km. they ate Scottish Batteries to cope with the cold. the most impressive part, they fixed a wind turbine and a solar panel on the trailer, to avoid out of charge.

Brent recorded crude price $78 per barrel, a little upside to echo demand forecast by OPEC.

stock market slumped today. what a hell! Operate finance market seem to be a huge challenge for non market economy, or any macro environment is manipulated by an intangible big hand, so call eco-politics.

2024 resolution is very serious thing. how shall I wish? healthy, happy & wealthy.

Citi forecast oil price down to $74 for 2024. It has been revised $1 down due to expectation of excess supply.

Murray, a Canadian, becomes bp CEO after 4 months searching by Helge the president. no one cares about Looney anymore, the world keep going anyway. Media reaction is modest about Murray's on board, include Guardian, FT ect. Funny, he tought people to pronunce his surname publicly, unlike first time being group CFO, in one townhall event, when staff ask how to pronounce his surname, he said you can call me jerk...

a Scottish couple drove Nissan EV and crossed magnetic North Pole and South Pole, a journey upto total 27,000km. they ate Scottish Batteries to cope with the cold. the most impressive part, they fixed a wind turbine and a solar panel on the trailer, to avoid out of charge.

Brent recorded crude price $78 per barrel, a little upside to echo demand forecast by OPEC.

stock market slumped today. what a hell! Operate finance market seem to be a huge challenge for non market economy, or any macro environment is manipulated by an intangible big hand, so call eco-politics.

2024 resolution is very serious thing. how shall I wish? healthy, happy & wealthy.

#Banana Glut Swamps Vietnam as Exports to China Decline#According to Vietnamese media reports, a number of banana stalls have recently sprouted up on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, with vendors selling bananas originally intended for export at a low price of 6,000 Vietnamese dong ($0.24) per kilogram…… image:istock

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