Mathias Kiss

Une aubaine pour ce créatif, ancien compagnon, qui œuvre depuis des années à se libérer des carcans classiques et de l’univers ultracharté dans lequel il a longtemps évolué.

“*Je ne sais pas si je vis dans mon atelier ou si je travaille dans ma maison, mais il n’y a pas un endroit ici qui ne soit pas lié à mon travail, même les salles de bains. Tout est en mode installation. C’est une maison d’ artisan, une maison où on produit, entièrement dédiée à la création, à mes délires.*”

#唇齿留香# 燕麦粉蓝莓松饼蛋糕(Oat Flour Blueberry Muffins)

最近烤了两次全燕麦粉的松饼蛋糕,第二次还加了些干椰丝(Desiccated Coconut)。今早我说要再烤几个蛋糕时,G提了个建议:“能不能加点正常点儿的面粉?”

湿性:1个鸡蛋打蛋液,¼杯糖, ⅛杯(约30毫升)枫糖浆(我放的蜂蜜),⅛杯苹果酱(手头没有,我用一半苹果加少量水用厨用料理机打的),⅛杯鳄梨油,⅛杯牛奶,1茶匙香草精,½茶匙苹果醋。
干性:½杯燕麦粉或杏仁粉(我用的Quaker Oat Original燕麦片, 自己用厨用料理机打的粉),¾杯通用面粉, ½茶匙小苏打,¾茶匙泡打粉,⅛茶匙肉桂粉,⅛茶匙盐,½杯(约75克)蓝莓(新鲜或冷冻的均可)。

1. 将烤箱预热至180度/160度风扇(360 华氏度)。在一个大碗中,将所有湿性成分搅拌在一起,充分混合。另取一个大碗,将除蓝莓以外的所有干性成分充分混合。然后把湿性材料倒入干性材料中,翻匀。倒入蓝莓,翻匀。
2. 烤盘上放入纸杯。将面糊舀入杯中(约填满 3/4)。放入烤箱烘烤 20分钟左右, 具体取决于烤箱的功率。插入牙签检测是否烤熟(但由于浆果的性质,牙签拔出后可能不会完全干净)。
3. 从烤箱中取出,在烤盘中冷却 5 分钟,然后移到金属架上完成冷却。

新鲜或冷冻的蓝莓都可以用来做这个食谱。如果使用冷冻蓝莓,面糊将呈现出大理石状纹样,并且由于浆果的水分,需要额外多烤1-2 分钟。
如果用杏仁粉,烘烤时间要长 1-2 分钟,因为杏仁粉的吸水性不如燕麦粉。

Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins

2 large eggs
½ cup granulated sugar
¼ cup maple syrup
¼ cup apple sauce
¼ cup neutral oil I used avocado oil
¼ cup non-dairy milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 cup oat flour or almond flour see notes
1 ½ cups Bob's Red Mill GF 1:1 Baking Flour Blue Bag
1 tsp baking soda
1 ½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp salt
1 ½ cups blueberries

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
In a large bowl, whisk together all of the wet ingredients until well combined.
Whisk in all of the dry ingredients making sure to pour and level the flour into your
dry measuring cups
, don't scoop from the bag, and mix just until everything is well incorporated. Be careful not to over mix.
Carefully fold in the blueberries until evenly distributed.

Add the batter to lined muffin tins, filling about 3/4 of the way up. I like to use the
medium cookie scoop
to ensure evenly sized muffins.
Top with a few additional blueberries and a sprinkle of cane sugar if desired.
Bake at 425 for 2 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350 and bake an additional 17-20 minutes, depending on your oven (mine does best with 18 minutes).
The toothpick test sort of works for this recipe, but because of the nature of berries, the toothpick won't come out completely clean. Careful not to over bake as they will dry out.
Remove from the oven and let cool in the pan for 15 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling.


You can use fresh or frozen blueberries for this recipe. If you use frozen, the batter will have a marbley appearance and will require an additional 1-2 minutes of cook time because of the moisture of the berries.
If you have access to fresh wild blueberries, I highly recommend using them! They have a deeper flavor than regular blueberries and because they’re small, you can add more.
Because this recipe calls for a GF all purpose flour that already has Xanthan gum, you do need to do add any additional Xanthan gum to the recipe. I highly suggest sticking with the Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 Baking Flour, but if you only have another GF all purpose flour, just make sure it includes Xanthan gum in the mix.
I have tested this recipe with both almond and oat flours and both work really well. The only difference is that if you use almond flour, the bake time will be 1-2 minutes longer since almond flour isn’t quite as absorbent as oat flour.

2024.01.20 丹尼尔·哈丁 | 柏林爱乐乐团 布鲁克纳《第四交响曲》约格·维德曼《中提琴协奏曲》
约格·维德曼德国作曲家、指挥和单簧管演奏家(Jörg Widmann)

唱片:Johannes Brahms: Clarinet Sonatas
András Schiff / Jörg Widmann
唱片:Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps, I/22 (Live)
Jörg Widmann / Carolin Widmann / Nicolas Altstaedt / Alexander Lonquich
Christoph Poppen / Jörg Widmann / Heinz Holliger / German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra

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