#新加坡吃喝玩乐[超话]# to all guy and all company , this grl name veline wu ! her right now boyfriend name is marcus chong yee hung / asther chong yee hung . Please be careful of her ! She know how to black magic and harm u all . She know to betray people too ! Ihad some of what she had done to other guy prove . she really a shameless came to singapore flirt with alot of guy until now !
her bf lied to media say cant find job because of a singlehood mother post him . come on la ... if he cant find job , then what he doing now ??? he working in the east area or other area ....and his salary quite high ....

so now pls respect that singlehood mother that never lie
the person lied is her bf ....marcus chong yee hung ...

A word to u and your bf : Doesnt meant u spoilt people stuff mean you are rich !
Doesnt mean u spoilt people stuff u can disrespect people and elderly .
veline wu you are lucky that u choose a cheap guy that look down on poor people , just like you !
isnt it like you ?? so veline wu u think you are so pretty ?? please look at other girl outside .... they are more pretty than you and good heart ! they respect elderly and they dont do black magic like you ! how old are you ? still being childish and thinking to marry to rich family ?? yeah right mr marcus chong yee hung is from rich family ... if you are sincere to him and his family ....u shouldnt talk or flirt to guy .....behind marcus .... this is ur old photo with ur old guy ..... there is other new guy message that u sweet talk to ... you betrayer girl !!!! Get out of singapore la !! Harm singaporean with black magic !!! you devil !!!

her ig : asther_wu https://t.cn/RXm7M7q

#新加坡[地点]# to all guy and all company , this grl name veline wu ! her right now boyfriend name is marcus chong yee hung / asther chong yee hung . Please be careful of her ! She know how to black magic and harm u all . She know to betray people too ! Ihad some of what she had done to other guy prove . she really a shameless came to singapore flirt with alot of guy until now !
her bf lied to media say cant find job because of a singlehood mother post him . come on la ... if he cant find job , then what he doing now ??? he working in the east area or other area ....and his salary quite high ....

so now pls respect that singlehood mother that never lie
the person lied is her bf ....marcus chong yee hung ...

A word to u and your bf : Doesnt meant u spoilt people stuff mean you are rich !
Doesnt mean u spoilt people stuff u can disrespect people and elderly .
veline wu you are lucky that u choose a cheap guy that look down on poor people , just like you !
isnt it like you ?? so veline wu u think you are so pretty ?? please look at other girl outside .... they are more pretty than you and good heart ! they respect elderly and they dont do black magic like you ! how old are you ? still being childish and thinking to marry to rich family ?? yeah right mr marcus chong yee hung is from rich family ... if you are sincere to him and his family ....u shouldnt talk or flirt to guy .....behind marcus .... this is ur old photo with ur old guy ..... there is other new guy message that u sweet talk to ... you betrayer girl !!!! Get out of singapore la !! Harm singaporean with black magic !!! you devil !!!

her ig : asther_wu https://t.cn/RXm7M7q

#新加坡[超话]# to all guy and all company , this grl name veline wu ! her right now boyfriend name is marcus chong yee hung / asther chong yee hung . Please be careful of her ! She know how to black magic and harm u all . She know to betray people too ! Ihad some of what she had done to other guy prove . she really a shameless came to singapore flirt with alot of guy until now !
her bf lied to media say cant find job because of a singlehood mother post him . come on la ... if he cant find job , then what he doing now ??? he working in the east area or other area ....and his salary quite high ....

so now pls respect that singlehood mother that never lie
the person lied is her bf ....marcus chong yee hung ...

A word to u and your bf : Doesnt meant u spoilt people stuff mean you are rich !
Doesnt mean u spoilt people stuff u can disrespect people and elderly .
veline wu you are lucky that u choose a cheap guy that look down on poor people , just like you !
isnt it like you ?? so veline wu u think you are so pretty ?? please look at other girl outside .... they are more pretty than you and good heart ! they respect elderly and they dont do black magic like you ! how old are you ? still being childish and thinking to marry to rich family ?? yeah right mr marcus chong yee hung is from rich family ... if you are sincere to him and his family ....u shouldnt talk or flirt to guy .....behind marcus .... this is ur old photo with ur old guy ..... there is other new guy message that u sweet talk to ... you betrayer girl !!!! Get out of singapore la !! Harm singaporean with black magic !!! you devil !!!

her ig : asther_wu https://t.cn/RXm7M7q

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