
- ‘ ’

Non abbiamo parole, il concerto ha superato di gran lunga le aspettative di tutti: il mood era incredibile, l'energia era pazzesca e la band è stata bravissima.
La piccola chiacchierata a fine il concerto ha rivelato che a tutti noi è piaciuto il concerto e speravamo che la serata non finisse mai. Grazie per aver trascorso il vostro tempo a concerto finito per parlare un po’ e fare foto con tutti.
Vogliamo solo ricordarti (si tu Oceanfromtheblue lol) che la proposta dell'after party è ancora valida per il prossimo concerto!
Grazie Ocean e un grandissimo grazie anche la band, ma grazie anche a tutto il pubblico che ha partecipato alla nostra fanaction

Per ultimo ma non meno importante ci teniamo anche a ringraziare la venue per la disponibilità e l'aiuto datoci nel portare avanti la fanaction! Vi siamo grat*, e speriamo ci possano essere ulteriori occasioni in futuro ^^


We have no words, the concert far exceeded our expectations: the mood was amazing, the energy was crazy and the band was sooo good.
The small talk after the concert revealed that all the people enjoyed the concert and all we hoped for was the night never ending. Thank you for spending your time after the concert talking and taking pictures with everyone.
And we just want to remind you (yes Oceanfromtheblue, you lol) the after party proposal is still valid for the next concert!
Thank you Oceanfromtheblue and thanks to the great band as well!
Also, thanks to all the public for joining our fanaction

Last but not least we would also like to thank the venue for their availability and help given us in carrying out the fanaction! We are grateful*, and we hope there will be further opportunities in the future ^^



Nah- ha,
so baby could u hold my hand,
Could you take me to the moon,
Could you take me to the moon,
Would you take me to the moon,
We could ride us to there soon,
Could you take me to the moon,


231025 #赫海[超话]# 东海澳大利亚时间07:07更新ins:


bgm:Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers-
Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in between
How can we be wrong
Sail away with me
To another world
And we rely on each other , ah ha
From one lover to another , ah ha
I can’t live without you if the love was gone

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