Du Lizhi is a consultant and senior agricultural technician with Gaotang Agricultural and Rural Affairs Bureau. Du has kept more than 90 work-related diaries, in which she has recorded her work experiences, in more than 600 villages in Gaotang, a county in Liaocheng, a city in Shandong Province, during the past 38 years.
Given her outstanding achievements, she has received many titles. If you learn more about her heart-touching story, you might be impressed by her ardent enthusiasm and vigorous vitality, especially as she makes persevering efforts to realize her dream of helping farmers live better lives.
"To me, an agricultural scientific and technological worker, the field is my 'stage,' and the farmers are my 'relatives.' I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when I help farmers solve technical problems in their production, and/or witness great improvements in their lives," Du has been quoted as saying. (Source: Women of China)

O Minho recebe o maior encontro de investidores da diáspora. Durante três dias, discutem-se oportunidades de investimento em diversos setores, com enfoque particular na economia azul, energias renováveis e sustentabilidade.

Momento para conhecer as políticas, programas, prioridades e oportunidades de investimento em Portugal. Além das sessões de palestras, haverá workshops temáticos e mesas-redondas onde os participantes poderão discutir estratégias de investimento, partilhar conhecimentos e estabelecer parcerias de negócios.

Reserve já na sua agenda.
Mais informações em: www.encontrosdiaspora.pt

2ND MEETING of the National Program of Support to the Investment of the Portuguese Diaspora (#PNAID#), in the Viana do Castelo, from the 14th to the 16th of December

The Minho region of Portugal hosts the biggest meeting of diaspora’s investors. For three days, investment opportunities in various sectors, particularly blue economy, renewable energies and sustainability will be discussed.

It is the moment to meet the Portuguese policies, programs, priorities and investment opportunities. In addition to lectures, there will also be thematic workshops and roundtable discussions where participants will be able to confer about investment strategies, share knowledge and establish business partnerships.

Mark it on your calendar!
More information available on www.encontrosdiaspora.pt

【#丝路上的新征程# 游览大皇宫景区,看泰国人文历史】大皇宫景区始建于1782年,是泰国文化和历史瑰宝,吸引了全世界众多游客前来探访。景区位于曼谷市中心,紧邻湄南河。作为泰国最具代表性的建筑之一,大皇宫金碧辉煌,宫殿镶嵌了大量彩色玻璃、金箔和闪亮的珠贝,在阳光的折射下熠熠生辉。游客可在此欣赏精美壁画以及泰国特色建筑,了解当地的历史与文化。2023年9月25日至2024年2月29日,中国游客持护照及旅行证入境泰国,无需申请旅游签证,可免签停留不超过30天。#丝路惊鸿# (摄影:王伟伦)
The Grand Palace scenic area is a complex of buildings located in the heart of Bangkok that has served as the official royal residence of Thailand since 1782. The traditional Thai architecture features intricate decorations that make it a must-visit destination for visitors looking to learn more about Thailand's rich history, culture and heritage. #TheNewSilkRoad #NewSilkRoadPics

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