Someone with just a mouth,
Can be exchanged for happiness.
Someone with a heart,in exchange…but the lesson of a lifetime.
So,what is love?
It is not that you don't want to fall in love. Just on them,no sincerity and respect, they're lonely,temporary pleasure approaching with a destination. Those so called likes"I just think you're a little prettier, sensible and easy to deceive". But never… "I didn't even want to know your heart ". understand that sensitive soul.

大海深处有一家便利店,售卖着蓝色的孤独零星的变得优秀,也能拼凑出星河✨Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her.
花总是表里不一,而我太年轻了,不知道该怎样爱护她.You are today where your thoughts have brought you; You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you

As I said, everything could be predictable and never beyond any of my unexpected.
How much I can see, how much will all as same as before.
Moreover, I cannot accept you do body contact with women when you definately don't have necessary to do.
I can try my best to understand your actions during work or fan meetings that are inevitable in your work, as well as the unavoidable physical contact that meets the circumstances and conditions at that time. However, when you can use and choose other ways to avoid, other postures, and no one forces you, you still choose to do so, which is not worth understanding at all.
No matter how many times I say it, no matter how many times I express that I don't like it. No matter how many times I show my emotions to you,No matter how many times I told you I will feel unhappy and even affect your evaluation in my heart,even be the important reason to make me make the decision of you are not suitable to me,Making me make the decision of ending everything because you cannot bring and sence of safety to me,and enjoy doing body contact with different women.
I hate men who don't know how to keep distance from women and have no sense of boundaries the most.
But my voice and words never be cared,never be put in heart.
Nothing change.
It's your actions and way of loving.
But now,You are no longer that special in my heart, because my heart has been deeply hurt by you again and again. There is no hope, no warm, so I gradually become numb and accept the true youself is as what I see,not what I imagined in the past.

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