Must go to America. 129 Andy's Diary. Wednesday, August 30th. The idea of going to the United States has been around for at least 6 years, maybe longer. I resolved to move from thinking and talking to doing. The first thing to do is to learn English well, there are many groups of foreigners in Beijing, I plan to participate in their activities, learn English well, and look for opportunities to settle down in the United States. In the past I was weak and uncertain, but today I am fearless. I'm after the light.
I don't want to have to put a moral cloak on my behavior, I don't want to talk noble, I don't want to use my children as a shield. If I could get a foothold in America, I would definitely take my children there. If his mother disagrees, I will respect his mother's opinion, I love Andy. God bless America.

·人真是贪心的生物 被拉黑时盼着解冻 聊了几句 就想见面 想拥抱 想亲吻…若欲念得不到满足就一副重伤模样退回墙角舔伤口
·这一年居然发掘出抖M的潜力 时刻沉溺在不再被需要的畸痛里以获取扭曲的自我救赎
·自ta离开后 才真正钟情于ta 或许正是出于愧疚感作祟的日思夜想 此生几乎不曾亏欠任何人 但的确有负于ta 还不止一次
·对一个人的喜爱 若得不到回应会不会消减?
我想是不会的 但会损耗灵魂
·今天离上次见面正好一年 成年后 第一次觉得一年原来那么长…
·不管是不是双相障碍 一年不允见 总归是清晰表达了态度
·还有很多话…不说了 已经打扰了一整年怪不好意思的 就留待哪天不期而遇吧 我心爱的姑娘
·直到昨天我才想起网络世界最万能的开场白:你在干嘛…似乎从没对你用过 颇为遗憾啊
last but not least
·最难熬那两年全靠你的两句话撑过来 谢谢

#台风苏拉##台风苏拉向广东沿海靠近# 【超强台风“苏拉”来袭,深圳启动防台风二级应急响应】SOME tourist sites in Shenzhen have been closed temporarily as the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory issued a blue alert for Typhoon Saola early this morning. 
Typhoon Saola is now less than 500 kilometers away from Shenzhen, according to according to the most recent forecasts. It entered the South China Sea last night and is moving northwest at a speed of 10 to 15 kilometers per hour to approach the coastal areas of eastern Guangdong, according to information released by the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory.
The observatory upgraded the white alert for Typhoon Saola to blue at 6 a.m. today.
The typhoon might make landfall anywhere from Guangdong's Lufeng to the coastal area of Hong Kong on Friday afternoon or later, according to the observatory. It's also possible that it may not make landfall but instead pass offshore Guangdong and move southwest, it said. Shenzhen expects hot weather today, with the highest temperature reaching 33°C, and heavy rainfall from Friday to Saturday.
In response, Fairly Lake Botanical Garden in Luohu District, Dameisha Beach Park and Yunhai Park in Yantian District, and Rose Marine resort in Dapeng New Area, have been temporarily closed.
Guangzhou and Huizhou have also closed some seaside tourist sites.
A number of train routes are scheduled to be suspended in Guangdong Province starting this afternoon, according to China Railway Guangzhou Group.
The beginning of the autumn semester of middle schools and kindergartens will be postponed to next Monday in cities including Shantou, Huizhou, Jiangmen and Chaozhou in Guangdong.
Ferry services between Guangzhou's Nansha and Zhuhai and some ferry services between Guangzhou's Pazhou and Hong Kong's airport are suspended starting today.
Guangdong has activated a Level-II emergency response for floods this morning. The provincial authorities held a meeting yesterday morning to arrange preparations for the typhoon and urged local governments to give priority to preventing injuries and minimizing economic losses. (Liu Minxia)

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