【法国企业访深寻求医疗领域合作】About 20 representatives from French enterprises visited Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. at its head office in Nanshan District yesterday.
The primary objective of the visit was to explore Shenzhen’s medical and health industry. The delegation’s itinerary includes visits to Huawei, Mindray, The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen People’s Hospital, and Shenzhen Emergency Medical Center.


Beijing Amateur Paddleboard Competition will be held in Yuyuantan Park on July 23. Fans can learn more about the event on the Beijing Sports Federation APP or its official Wechat account.


【讲座预告| 虞一祎:介观尺度研究揭示小鼠高级视觉皮层的功能环路】

Mesoscale study reveals functional circuits of higher visual areas in mice

Mouse visual perception involves more than nine cortical areas, located at the occipital lobe of the brain. These visual areas have defined boundaries and characteristic anatomical connections with other brain areas. However, their functional difference is yet to be determined. Is the cortical visual system of mice organized analogously to that of primates, or adapted to its unique ethology?

To address this question, I have recorded from five cortical visual areas of the mouse and characterized how naturalistic texture and motion visual features were represented in these areas, as motion and texture are key feature components for spatial localization and recognition. Using the large field-of-view two-photon calcium imaging as the recording approach in this study, I was able to record hundreds of neurons from multiple visual areas simultaneously at high resolution. This allows me to fairly compare the amount of information about texture and motion carried by individual visual areas. To quantify the information about texture and motion features in complex naturalistic stimuli, I have developed novel parametric feature space and carried out substantial modeling for visual neurons. Together, these methodologies have led me to the conclusion that motion and texture visual features were segregated into dorsal and ventral higher visual areas in the mouse cortex. This finding suggests a rodent homolog of the primate two-stream cortical visual pathway, regardless of the anatomical and ethological differences between these species.

https://t.cn/A605wQ9K https://t.cn/A6oD3WgP

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