R.I.P. Count your blessings.
Whenever I felt depressed over the past two years, I chose to count all the blessings in my life.
I ran, I hiked, I swam, I read, I struggled, and I also kept standing up and confronted.
Going through all the ups and downs as an adult, it's never an easy thing.
Be kind, optimistic, and brave. We're not done yet!

tag seventeen 崔胜澈 尹净汉 洪知秀 文俊辉 权顺荣 全圆佑 李知勋 金珉奎 卷毛澈 海边澈 嘟嘴澈 护目镜澈 眉钉澈 拿球澈 星星闪 正规四塔店抽选 yzyd1 yzyd9 红绳澈 遥控器1 不孤感谢祭 m2u嘟嘴 牛仔衣 在逃公主 特别二yzy 蓝发澈 战损澈 落花澈 贝雷帽澈 贝雷帽奎 hanabi be the sun incomplete 克拉岛 随机卡 枫叶卡 珉澈合照 he变换卡 闪钻拍立得 its1.0 its2.0 its3.0 its4.0 its5.0 回忆录dvd zone1 23台历 22台历 21台历 19台历 七期会员礼 六期会员礼 发带澈 六周年 咖啡卡 生日礼盒 holiday 礼盒澈 22d社 21d社 b1 c1 d1 b2 c2 d2 捧花净 戳脸净 虎爪净 机车净 棋盘格净 台闪 毛衣净 钻石边 diamond edge 闻花俊 捧花俊 an ode 打电话俊 贝雷帽俊 聚光拍立得 bss 樱桃睡衣 捧花荣 黑衣荣 拿球荣 br5 落花荣 咬心圆 虎爪圆 捧花圆 sw6 yzyb6 戴花狗 sw9 天台奎 闻花奎 ep5 yzyf9 捧花奎 不孤hmv 新娜拉奎 四宫格奎 郁金香奎 嘟嘴奎 毛衣奎 苦甜 黑奎 贝雷帽奎 电影卡 新pb 黑9 going9 mini7书签 hybe博物馆 三宫格 Huxley 铁盒拍立得 回忆录书签 克拉岛卫衣卡 八周年耳钉

@pongNawat [doge][鼓掌] eight old man circling ,soon update your Twitter immediately and update another dog and update their people with no arms and no feet, Otherwise the actress 杨幂 she and her daughter and the actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and the actress 杨幂otherwise the actress 杨幂 they will soon be burned by fire and sulfuric acid their faces will be disfigured, they will be completely skinned, otherwise the actress 杨幂her face will be burned by fire and sulfuric acid her face will be disfigured, Otherwise the actress Yang Mi her whole body will be burned by fire and sulfuric acid her face disfigured her whole body will be completely skin, otherwise the actress 杨幂she and her daughter and the actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and the actress 杨幂otherwise the actress 杨幂her daughter and the actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and the actress 杨幂they will lose their legs immediately, They will be in wheelchairs all their lives, otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂 's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂 will immediately get various cancers and die. Otherwise actress Yang Mi's daughter and actress 杨幂 's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂's hands will be broken immediately, otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂's feet will be broken immediately, Otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂's eyes will be blind immediately, otherwise actress 杨幂 's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂will be sick and die immediately, Otherwise the actress Yang Mi her daughter and the actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and the actress 杨幂they will immediately be sulfuric acid by fire their face disfigured they are not recognizable their whole body is completely disfigured, otherwise the actress Yang Mi and her daughter she will always be all kinds of animals, all kinds of animals, otherwise the actress 杨幂's daughter she has to drill a dog hole in her life. Otherwise the daughter of the actress

杨幂she will always become an idiot. Otherwise I curse actress Yang Mi's daughter Xiao Nuomi and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress

杨幂all words will be fulfilled on them, otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂will immediately get various serious diseases and die, Otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂's hands will be broken immediately, otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress Yang Mi's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂's feet will be broken immediately. Otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂will immediately die of illness, otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂 will immediately be hit by a car and killed, Otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress Yang Mi's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂will immediately become a cripple, otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress

杨幂will always be a cripple, otherwise she will always be a blind person. Otherwise actress 杨幂 's daughter and actress 杨幂 's parents and her whole family and actress

杨幂will immediately be paralyzed, and she will always lie in the hospital for a lifetime. Otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter and actress 杨幂's parents and her whole family and actress 杨幂will soon become a blind person, otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter Xiao her child will soon be a deformed child, otherwise actress Yang Mi's daughter she will soon get cancer and die. Otherwise actress 杨幂's daughter she will be hit by a car and killed, otherwise actress

杨幂and her daughter they will be paralyzed immediately, otherwise actress 杨幂and her daughter she will lie in the hospital for the rest of her life, otherwise actress Yang Mi and her daughter their hands will be broken immediately, otherwise actress 杨幂and her daughter their feet will be broken immediately, Otherwise actress

杨幂and her daughter they will lose his arms, otherwise actress

杨幂and her daughter they will lose their legs, otherwise actress 杨幂and her daughter they will be hit by a car and killed immediately

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