Turns schools into places immersed in aesthetics to truly realize the idea that aesthetics education starts with life on campus.

Guo-Hua Junior High School, Yilan County |Special resource room

Guide children to think like scientists and cultivate their scientific literacy and logical reasoning abilities.

Turn Disadvantages of Space into Strengths, Creating a New-Look Guohua Science Lab
The science lab at Guohua Junior High School is a rectangular space. The old seating arrangement was unfriendly to the teaching model of group discussion, and the elongated classroom also disrupted students’ view of the lecture and teaching demonstration. The first mission of the design team was to reconfigure the space. In addition to providing every group a lab table for independent operations, the team also designated sufficient space in front of the teaching area, allowing students to gather at the front of the classroom for lecture and close observation of demonstration before they return to own stations for experiments, turning the disadvantages of the elongated space into strengths.

Transform Image and Inject Energy
Using robust, light, and bright colors to set the tone for the space, allowing the light steel joist ceiling to display slick lines, which is paired with sufficient lighting to ensure class safety and create a robust ambience for in-class interaction and discussion, replacing the old icy image of the lab with a brand-new look for teachers and students to explore interesting experiments here with joy.

kimhanbin on stage is invincible!!!

My belief is bigger than your in doubt

It doesn't matter if you like it or not

my beautiful michelangelo khb

kpop overpass concert manila 2023.06.11

until the next time see u in bangkok 7.15

hopefully I will have a chance to feel khb style of fan services ( yep this is important to me hahahaha!!!


#cv小随[超话]##♊Best Wishes I want to say to 小隨♊##[哇]花式表白小隨[送花花]#

13th day

Friendship is like a tree. And it depends on you whether it’s going to be a strong, mighty and healthy tree or a weak and sickly bush#宝宝的少女心##春花# .

Friendship also needs to be looked after and taken care of [抱一抱][抱一抱].
I think we did the great job...[打工人][打工人] let's keep on going....[好喜欢][好喜欢]

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
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  • 20. 其实当你点进来这个回答的时候,你们马上也要分分手了:因为你觉得你们的感情出现了问题,只是不知道什么时候才应该就结束这一切没有意义的胡闹——而往往在感情当
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  • 1978~1995年之间,常住人口城镇化率每年的提升幅度,大多数时间都在0.5~1个百分点之间;1996~2006年,每年的提升幅度都在1.2~1.5个百分点之
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  • 晃眼间已过一年 说快实则也快 说慢属实也慢想记下点什么 留下点什么 但迟迟未落笔 终究还是需要点仪式感 虽词不达意还是想记下寥寥几笔这忙乱又充实 恍惚
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  • 人最大的美德是好心地,你不可能去爱每一个人,但可以对每一个人表示善意。人最大的美德是好心地,你不可能去爱每一个人,但可以对每一个人表示善意。
  • 地址:南新道开越路口北行200米路东 名仕·奥特莱斯一层电话:0315-8088866 | 18713834560#Belruti##ANDERLOS##我是包
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