Women in Argentina will no longer require a prescription to obtain emergency contraception.

The government said making the morning-after pill more easily available removed an "important barrier" for those seeking terminations.

The move was welcomed by feminist groups, who see it as a sign of progress in the Catholic-majority country.

However critics said the move displayed a "failure of pregnancy prevention".

The health ministry said the measure would help avoid unintentional pregnancies by overcoming "difficulties of access to health services, contraception supplies, and education" faced by some.

"This removes an important barrier to access," Valeria Isla, director of sexual and reproductive health at the ministry, told Reuters news agency. "People can have this method of contraception as support before an emergency happens."

Vanessa Gagliardi, leader of the feminist group Juntas y a la Izquierda, said the move would help "de-stigmatise" the morning-after pill in a country where seven out of 10 adolescent pregnancies were unplanned, official data show.

#Pentatonix[超话]# 维也纳,你们太棒了!!真是一个我们✨永远不会✨忘记的夜晚。真不敢相信我们只剩下几场演出了……
Just look at that crowd (swipe ⬅️ to see!!) Vienna, y'all were AMAZING!! Truly a night we'll ✨never✨ forget. Can't believe we have just a few shows left...


So Honored to have been apart of my Boys first Stadium Concert!
To see them growth from Debut to now. I knowing how hard they worked to get there! I’m so proud So happy so glad to have my first VIP experience with TXT.
Thank you for the best night! I love you all so much!
The merch I bought from the Concert and I also got a slogan from some Moa who come from Korea

I will remember this beautiful moment rest of my life!

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