黄老师双语段落分享(3442)1.唐彦谦 ·《玫瑰》
Rugosa Rose
Tang Yanqian
Scenting of musk incense in combustion,
And garnished with shark gauze1 to veil the green cluster as a decoration,
She in the morrow Sol beams, pranks herself after the palatial style for adornment.
Alas! With the waft of eastern breeze fall the silk-brocade ornament.
Amidst the vernal mist she is flaccid without vitality and vigor.p
And vexatious with dole and grief in the rainy vesper.
Beyond comprehension is her intention
To be dressed in rubicundity of deep-delicate coloration.
2. 蒲松龄·《夜小雨》
A Little Rainfall in the Night

Pu Songling
The endless night, like my sorrow, drags on and on;
Raindrops fall in threes and twos to the ground.
The pattering of rain, unlike my sorrow, may be spent;
Moonlight creeps in while I toss and turn in bed.

黄老师双语古文选辑(638)1.唐彦谦 ·《玫瑰》
Rugosa Rose
Tang Yanqian
Scenting of musk incense in combustion,
And garnished with shark gauze1 to veil the green cluster as a decoration,
She in the morrow Sol beams, pranks herself after the palatial style for adornment.
Alas! With the waft of eastern breeze fall the silk-brocade ornament.
Amidst the vernal mist she is flaccid without vitality and vigor.p
And vexatious with dole and grief in the rainy vesper.
Beyond comprehension is her intention
To be dressed in rubicundity of deep-delicate coloration.
2. 蒲松龄·《夜小雨》
A Little Rainfall in the Night

Pu Songling
The endless night, like my sorrow, drags on and on;
Raindrops fall in threes and twos to the ground.
The pattering of rain, unlike my sorrow, may be spent;
Moonlight creeps in while I toss and turn in bed.

黄老师双语古文选辑(638)1.唐彦谦 ·《玫瑰》
Rugosa Rose
Tang Yanqian
Scenting of musk incense in combustion,
And garnished with shark gauze1 to veil the green cluster as a decoration,
She in the morrow Sol beams, pranks herself after the palatial style for adornment.
Alas! With the waft of eastern breeze fall the silk-brocade ornament.
Amidst the vernal mist she is flaccid without vitality and vigor.p
And vexatious with dole and grief in the rainy vesper.
Beyond comprehension is her intention
To be dressed in rubicundity of deep-delicate coloration.
2. 蒲松龄·《夜小雨》
A Little Rainfall in the Night

Pu Songling
The endless night, like my sorrow, drags on and on;
Raindrops fall in threes and twos to the ground.
The pattering of rain, unlike my sorrow, may be spent;
Moonlight creeps in while I toss and turn in bed.

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