But the real genius of Torres came upon us as darkness gave way to dawn on race morning. At this spookiest of hours he climbed into his commentary box, turned the PA system up to eleven and placed a copy of Wish You Were Here in the CD player.
The spooky, surreal sounds of the album’s opening track Shine On You Crazy Diamond drifted through the chill morning mist, creating one of those moments which you immediately know you will take with you to your grave: it was a prog-rock dawn chorus, not so much for us, driving our rentacars into the circuit with thudding hangovers, but for the massed ranks of fans trudging through the darkness, pouring over the hillsides that surround the racetrack, like an army preparing for a dawn assault, except they weren’t laden down with guns and ammunition, but with whole jamons and slabs of beer.
This invasion was a sight to take your breath away: the silhouettes emerging into the creeping daylight against a backdrop of the purple, pink, turquoise and blue of an Andalusian dawn. Between them, Pink Floyd and Torres turned an achy early morning into a spine-tingling experience.

me as a queer while looking at those so called CUTE straight coulpes…really…sometimes i just assumed all ppl are queer and straight couples with 100% sureness of their sexuality being straight is the real minority in the world. Sry for not sry but I just can't be sold by most of the straight couples bc I genuinely think they are gross (sry for not dry...)...

We got back home yesterday and started the second period of treatment. It's been a tough week but thankfully everything went well under His protection and my mom didn't suffer that much pain. Health really matters and I hope this could be the turning point of our lives. Pray that everything will get better in the coming days. Good morning #日常碎碎念# https://t.cn/A6Itsf7o

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