Zeus mounted a rhinoceros enjoying the feast on his cornucopia.


rhinoceros 犀牛
rhi noc ceros
re(重复就是二)nose cer角 鼻子上有俩角

cornet 小号
corn(u) co opia
{op制作 }
opus 代表作
opera 戏剧
operate 操作

There is also the strong presence of cerámica suro within the architectural landscape of the city, from public walkways in oak cliff’s bishop arts district to the many decorative features within the lovers lane restaurant josé, named for josé noé suro, to the facade of the marketplace commissary in downtown, designed by artist jorge pardo, as well as numerous private and domestic commissions. at dallas contemporary, the innovative exhibition design was conceived with generous support from the celebrated dallas architecture firm droese-raney, which is also a frequent collaborator with cerámica suro.

Founded in the 1950s in tlaquepaque as a small family studio workshop that manufactured dinnerware and decorative objects, josé noé suro has turned cerámica suro into an incubator for global artists, designers and creatives. it is now among guadalajara’s most important institutions – a ceramics factory where the most ambitious projects in the world of art, architecture, design and gastronomy are developed and produced. during the last two decades, cerámica suro has carried out projects with over 500 artists – such as nairy baghramian, john baldessari, sarah crowner, marcel dzama, nicole eisenman, michelle grabner, adam pendelton, gabriel rico, and dallas’s own jeff gibbons – that have put guadalajara in the crosshairs of the international art world.

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